Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 4:52

Teacher tips for handling hellicopter parents

However, what I thought I would do is I would give some tips on ways I handle these challenging situations with parents that are known as, quote, helicopter parents. So, first thing I do, as I just mentioned, I understand where they're coming from and that they have a good intent and a pure heart and they just want the best for their child. Second thing I do is I listen to their concerns without judgment

#patience #teamwork #lettinggo #Specialneeds

John Barton
@weatherjohn · 0:03

how are you

Hello, my friend. What have you been up to?
Steve Dover
@poppyteezworld · 1:42

#specialneeds #parenting #podcast

It is often a thankless job, and you have stuck with it over the years, and I applaud you for that. I learned a lot just through our communication back and forth and then our interview with the podcast. So I look forward to listening to more of the things that you're putting out here and you're a great wealth of information, so thank you for what you do. I look forward to your podcast airing
Nick Hydier
@NickHydier9813 · 4:55

@TheMs.Leanne Another relatable one Leanne. While my parents weren't "helicopter parents". They were still concerned ones.

And I will say that throughout my twelve years of schooling, I was very lucky to have such understanding teachers, some that I still miss even today. So, anyway, this was a really another relatable one and one that I'm glad that you were able to bring up and talk about because it should be talked about, because we need more of these good communication and understanding between parents and teachers. Sometimes it seems like that's a thing of the past
Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 4:52
Well, in a sales environment, I did both of those two things. I would listen to the person. I would want them to tell me exactly what they were unhappy with, exactly how they felt that we had fallen short of what we said we were going to do, and then I would repeat it back to them. So I would say something to the effect, so you're saying that this didn't happen or that happened
Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 2:44
So I've been a crossing guard for eight years, and this year I saw some signs out and about, mostly in the grammar school front lawns and whatnot that said, hey, become a reading know, sign up here's the website, go here, do this. Well, I did and AmeriCorps accepted my application. And so today it's a thing called baselined. I just baselined my first four children to get them ready to go into the reading program. And it's very exciting
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 1:31


You. Wow. Thank you so much. You know, it's what I do. Yes, you're right. It's my passion. It's from the heart, and yeah, you know, it these kids are amazing to me. I agree with you how they're treated it's awful in a lot of cases, and anything and everything I can do to make this world a better place and shed some light on the situation, I am more than happy to do
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 0:44


So yeah, I definitely agree with you pretty much on everything you said. And like I said, thank you for your candor. It's always appreciated. And thank you for taking the time to listen and respond. Hope all is well. Bye
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 1:49


And again, I am 100% for parents advocating for their children, being aware of the process and making sure things go down. But always you do need to take a step back and let your children figure certain things out on their own. And these helicopter parents aren't known for that. They are just like in your face there all the time, always. So that's pretty much what it is
Nick Hydier
@NickHydier9813 · 1:48

@TheMs.Leanne You are most certainly welcome Leanne. Yes communication is something that has become rather different over these years. I would say

Hey Leanne, I just wanted to say you are most certainly very welcome, always happy to give my response and to share my candor. And you're right, I can relate to a lot of what you talk about with your different topics and I'm always again glad to share or what I have to say and to get to share my experiences. And I also agree that, yes, communication has become very different, especially in the last decades
