Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 4:40

Thr most complex thing I ever tried to learn

I mean, my God, you adopt a child, you raise it as your own. That's pretty commendable in and of itself. But the thing that they missed, that, yes, you're gonna bring, you know, you're gonna raise a child as your own, but that doesn't mean not to accept the child for who they are and to only accept them when they act for who you want them to be, not who they are


Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 4:32
But more importantly, that's just one little facet of you, you know? You know, that's just one little facet. You're like a lantern. You know, there's a light inside you, and it shines out all of these. These pains on the lantern and physical beauty is just one pain. That light that you have inside you shines out of so many more, more pains. You. You know, the way you treat your
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 0:59


Wow. Thank you so much, Jeremiah. It's been a crazy couple days. I finally got to listen to your response. You are very, very kind. I really, really appreciate it. And I guess like, is attracted to, like, if that makes sense, because you seem like a very good and kind and genuine person yourself, and so I definitely can relate to a lot of that. And thank you so much for your kind words
