Cameron Fitzgerald
@TheFitz · 4:09

Humiliating Gifts

So we had to go and sell one of our vehicles that was not four wheel drive and we're like, okay so now we're going to go and get another four wheel drive car and we really don't have the funds to be able to go and do this responsibly. One of her family members prayed about it for a bit and then found it pleasing to her that she would then go and provide us with a vehicle that would fit our needs. A tremendous, tremendous gift

Is recieving gifts well a sign of humility? #gifts #religion #wellness

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:41
Yeah, this is really interesting because I've never used or thought about that word humiliating humiliation as attached to gifts. But it's definitely there, I feel. Yeah, since I was a kid, even just like the shyness of accepting something, even accepting a gesture from somebody, I don't think I felt like maybe the obligation, but certainly maybe the feeling that I didn't deserve it. The older I get, the more I realize how it's not really fair
Santih Maa
@Santih · 4:45
The gift in anything comes from a void, a spiritual void if you will, that manifests into the realm of now. Because your facts acts shall be given and there should be no pain, no shame, no guilt that goes along with that. Because if you have any of those and you feel humiliated or you believe to giver, I may feel that way, then that's going to rumble over or what's the word cascade over to other areas of your life
