Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkd · 4:58

Quick Thought: The Color Purple (2023): Sanitizing literature for the mainstream?

But one thing I'll say, and I had a lot of problems with Spielberg's original, there was something about his film that had a grit to it, it had a dirt to it, it had filmmaking to it that relied on not only the craftsmanship of a director, but the respect for the source material and the time period

#askswell #editorspick - Alice Walker’s novel is a fascinating look at thr plight of Black women in the early 1900s. So why is it now so Disney+- ish?

Farika B Redux
@FarikaB_Redux · 4:54
Yeah, I agree. I understand where you're coming from. I'll say that, yes, once she put that on Broadway, it took away the grittiness that you would find in the Alice Walker book and the underlining tone of the book, the messaging of, like you said, the mistreatment of women. Women coming into their own or trying to find their way in a patriarchal society of any kind. Women of any kind, but especially black women
