Lori seymour
@TeAsMe · 3:43

Women’s Libertea

I'm. Hello and good afternoon, everybody. Today is Friday, March 17. Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone. If you celebrate that or not, if you wear green or not, I'm not sure, but I just thought I'd throw that out there. So today we are going to do what is called a Women's Liberty. So the herbs in this formula stimulate the liver and they normalize hormone functions in women. So this one is going to be a decoction

#womenshealth #medicinaltea #decoctions #Liverhealth #Hormones

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:35
I mean, I've I've I've drank, like, water with lemon and ginger and like, that helps a little bit, but I don't know if you have any recommendations for a tea that I could make for that
Lori seymour
@TeAsMe · 2:07


It will calm your throat and it will coat it so that whatever is tickling or bothering your throat doesn't happen as often or as much. Try that. You can also mix any of the herbs that I said the anis, the peppermint, the slippery elm, the thyme or the white horhound. You can mix any of those together how you feel fit. I would take whatever you think you may like or try some separately and just experiment. That's what I do
