Taylor J
@Taylor · 4:27

#SelfLove | Proud of Myself For Doing This!

Anyways, for those of you that have listened to this, if you can relate, if you're maybe struggling with weight loss of your own and have a question for me, you know, I'm by no means an expert, but I have lost a lot of weight. And I'm more than happy to talk about it with people because I know that sometimes the support system to even start a journey like this isn't really in place

#MentalWellness #sppslflvp3 https://s.swell.life/SU9SbIEb1dpkqIE #SelfCare #MeTime

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:36


Hey, Taylor. I love that this story is being told in the self care conversation because it is such a profound conversation with oneself. To do something as difficult as lose weight and then have the resolve to maintain it and also to become the parent you want to become and live a lifestyle that's a model for your kids and for anyone you know who's supporting you to be inspired in their own lives. It's really great that you have the perspective backwards and also looking forwards
Speaking Buddha
@Vivek.Padalia · 0:24


Thank you for sharing Terah this perspective from. From the experiences and then guidance for the future. It's really good. And when it comes to the learning from the learning from the experiences, I think that's a wonderful piece. Thank you very much for this inspiring sharing
