Tanishka Singh
@Tancy_0818 · 4:49

Having likes and dislikes is okay but being disrespectful isn't

You were just disrespected for having feelings. And I don't understand why people disrespect people on their own responses. For example, if the person we didn't like that person, we got close. They can explain that. They don't like it. Either we can do the explanation or either they can increase the distance by maintaining their manualism. That person could have gotten close to you by mistake. You need to understand that and why before doing anything. And this is for anyone or in any situation

Your feelings shouldn't lead you to disrespect anyone. #sayitonswell #pov

Turn the tables on them so people can see them for who they truly are and not see you play into their game. You can always try it and if it doesn't work out, go back to being rude or ignore them altogether. I mean, just ignore them. You don't have to give them attention or something like that. You don't need or deserve that kind of Griff and anxiety in your life. Or you could just respond exactly opposite to how they think you will react
Shruti Singh
@Shruti_Singh · 1:49


I do understand it does happen that certain people possess some energies or some wipes that you don't like. And it's better that you try to maintain a distance among them between them. And sometimes it tends to happen that we do not like some people for no reason, maybe because of some. I don't know. There are many reasons in that case, too, we can ignore or avoid any instances that get us together with that person
Tanishka Singh
@Tancy_0818 · 1:49


Thank you so much for replying. And yeah, I completely agree with everything that you have said that, you know, we should just, you know, think about ourselves and we shouldn't let other people make us react to things that we don't want to react because nobody likes to be angry. Nobody likes to lash out all the time. And once you start to know these kind of things that you don't like, you'll be able to see the things that you like
Tanishka Singh
@Tancy_0818 · 1:13


Thank you so much for replying. It was great. And yeah, I really agree with everything that we have said. But yeah, maybe even sometimes in a confronting could be a bit too much. So rather we should just avoid the for some situations are in some situations the best thing to do is avoiding that is good and it is good for you. I think disrespecting someone would just increase the amount of regrets that you might have in the future
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tanishka Singh
@Tancy_0818 · 0:33


Yeah. Thank you so much for replying. It was great. And yeah, really, I just, you know, felt like this was something worth sharing that, you know, we need to decide the right and wrong that we do because we are the ones who make ourselves what what we are. And so we really need to keep our emotions in control because sometimes when they take over, we regret a lot and not in these kind of situations, but other situations as well
