Tammy Johnson
@TamBam · 2:15

Why do we fear the Unknown

So for me, if you're a feel for a person or if you're just a conscious person, you're always thinking overthinking everything, thinking like, oh, maybe it's not the right time, or maybe I'll try two years from now, or I'm going to do another little time and time just get away from you. It's like you're like me

#fears #unknown #life #NewBeginnings

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:23

#insight #wisdom

And yeah, it's super special and it's a practice, right? I think that there are certain times in life we're really good at kind of holding a question or a wish out there and then letting it go. And then maybe there's other times where we're not so good at letting it go. But either way, I think that there are seasons, maybe throughout our lifetime where we hopefully get better and better at it, and then it becomes less of a thing
Tammy Johnson
@TamBam · 0:37


Hello? Hello. Thank you. Thank you for responding. Thank you for the kind words. Thank you for leaving a message. I'm in this to learn more about people as well, so I appreciate the comment. I appreciate the kind words. And my weekend was filled with work, but I was off Mother's Day and, you know, I'm having a relaxing day right now. I hope your weekend and your week goes as smooth. Thank you. Keep joining me
Erika Danielle
@Erikaspeakeasy · 3:46
But I think it comes down to wholeheartedly believing and knowing that no matter what, I'm secure in the Most High, like no matter what, he has me. And whether that's plan out how I want it to look like or not, I know that as long as he got me, I'm good. And when I say I'm good, I just mean I'm good. Because even, you know, walking with the most high
