Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 5:00

How Not To Kill Yourself - a portrait of the suicidal mind by Clancy Martin - Article Review

By all means, if you feel you're in a state of emergency, call a suicide helpline or talk to somebody who's around you, because sometimes we are unable to control our impulse. But if you feel that you can just breathe a little and pause for a moment and observe your thoughts and realize that you are in control, and you can always choose to accept what you're going through and see beyond that. Let me know what to

#mentalhealth #suicide https://s.swell.life/STbVKLvk1wTgah8

Avneet .
@avneet_ · 2:07
Hi there. And firstly, really thanks for speaking up on this topic and I think I wouldn't be wrong if I say that once in every person's life they may came across this societal thoughts and it's not uncommon at all. But what we do need to realize is that we can we are greater than that. And we can fight these thoughts. And we can keep ourselves in a mental state where our first reaction to any bad thing happening is not to harm ourselves
Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 2:58
Hinit. You're absolutely right. So important to be there for others. And I can say without a doubt that when one is in the dark space, you feel abandoned. Even if people are there for you, you may think the opposite and you tend to push people away. So that person constantly needs to be reminded that he's been taken care of. People are concerned about him and he needs to be heard
