Susi Lawson
@susisouljourney · 4:03

I learned the importance of patience when I...

Those of you who are parents with young children, and I've already raised mine, she's 33, but I remember, and I was a single mom, too. You can't go to the bathroom. You can't take a shower. Everything is on the line with a child in the house. I mean, if you're a good parent and you're watching them, if you're not locking them up in a closet or. I shouldn't even joke about that

#sdp24Mar23 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @rocio

Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 2:15
I've had people in my home and who have children and stuff like that, but it hails in comparison probably to the patience you would have to have to allow something to learn how to learn, to allow someone to explore, to allow someone to be curious and discover curiosity, to allow someone to explore their imagination, even if it means crayon on your wall or they walking up to you with a face full of paint, that sort of thing
Susi Lawson
@susisouljourney · 2:32


But yeah, the difference between parenting, like you say, is 24, 7365 days a week. But I'll tell you what, the teaching thing was intense and I absolutely loved it. But like I said, I respect you and all the educators out there that do it all day long. Thank God you get the summers off right? You get a breather to go back and begin again. And I can't imagine dealing with parents, dealing with illnesses
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 1:46
You come in and you wish for the child to emulate the beautiful things you see in life, and then they're easier to teach, so their behavior is whether or not you conflict with them. But it's a lovely thing. I respect all artists, so I love artists. Anyone who's an artist is like, awesome, dude. So I'm really happy you responded, and I hope you take care, and we'll chat again. Ciao
