Hey, after a quick Google, I saw that this question was asked about a year ago. I'm just wondering if there's been any movement on allowing prerecorded audio to be uploaded into slow. I think that would be really, really handy because there's a bunch of people who would want to be able to upload their stories aloud. Me in particular, upload their stories that have additional sound effects, that kind of thing. Stuff that you can't do with a phone Mike
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:36

@Tech_simplified @StoriesAloud

Hey, thanks for your question about this. It's been brought up before. Yes, about a year ago, as you Googled. And the short answer is something that Techsimplified definitely brought up, which is that we want to keep everything authentic and and above board in terms of what we share here on Swell
