Chris Cowan
@StunningNBrave · 4:55

Ethical dilemma with handicap license plate

I don't think I could live with myself. So I'm curious on what you would do in this situation, where doing the wrong thing would look to everyone else like you're doing the right thing by taking the handicapped spot and freeing up spaces for the non disabled, but doing the right thing and not taking that handicapped spot. Leaving that open for the disabled

My #podcast cohost has an ethical dilemma where doing the right thing looks like doing the wrong thing. #handicap #disability #stunningandbrave

This is my life,...

In some ways, this this is my life. I have. I call it my fancy pass, not my handicap parking pass, but it's not on a licensed plate. It's one that you hang from the rear view mirror. I don't own a car, so I only use it when I'm in someone else's car or happened to rent a car
Chris Cowan
@StunningNBrave · 1:12

Ugh people!

So yeah, we don't have to deal with that, but yeah, that would be pretty frustrating to have one of those invisible disabilities and have that judgment like, not hard enough because having the challenges someone with a disability has, and then you have to deal with judgment. But yet, for the record, my friend did not park in a handicap space
