Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:55

Women and Non-binaries in STEM Club up and running!

I'm also be posting announcements, topics, ideas and activity recaps on the Land Swell page. So even if you can't make it to our in person Lands meetings, you're not going to miss out because the whole other half portion of this club is going to be right here on Swell. So stay tuned and please join us

#safespace #equity #intersectionality #women #science #nonbinary

Samuel Penate
@samuelpenate · 1:44
But slowly we're transitioning into appointing our society grip, I guess to become more open about what we really think and how passionate we are about our majors and discipline stuff. So I think it's amazing that you created this group not just because the group is open for nonbinary women though, but you're giving the boys to share on swelto
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 1:49


And it's like, okay, if I want more representation, then I'm just going to make it. I'm not going to rely on the people in power to do it. If they're not going to do it, I'm going to do it. And me and my friends are going to do it, and people like you are going to do it. We're going to create the change we want to see while we're trying to convince the establishment they need to change
Jonathan Gossett
@JonathanGossett · 0:15


So firstly, thank you as always for inviting me to your post. I always love hearing everything you have to say. And I'm so excited to hear the post of this group. And I look forward to listening and possibly leading my replies and joining in the conversation
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:49


Yay. I'm so excited. I can't wait to have my guest speakers on. So our first in person lands meeting is this upcoming Wednesday. And I'm going to be I'm posting the specific swell page for this club this upcoming Tuesday. So please look out for that. And the first swell post I want to post on the Lands page is like for members to kind of introduce themselves and what their majors are and how they identify and communities that they like to be a part of
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:24


Hey, thank you so much for your play, and I appreciate the opportunity to be educated. So I myself am non binary, and one of my best friends who started the club with me is also non binary. And we do consider ourselves to be nonbinary, like when we identify. But yeah, we'll definitely take what you said in consideration and maybe I'll talk about it with my friend and see if we can reword that a little bit. Thank you
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 1:15


And I think giving people an Edgy education opportunities great, but maybe not assuming that they're not already educated on the topic because they're not part of that community before you reach out for an education opportunity might be helpful. Thank you
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 1:01

A great start!

And it's just so exciting to me that the goal I set out for this group is already being fulfilled in a way where it's, like a super safe and respectful place. So, yeah, I'm really excited moving forward. And I agree that terminology is really important, and it's, like a huge part of creating a safe and equitable space. So, yeah, I don't know. I just wanted to point that out because this group is fulfilling exactly what I wanted it to
