Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:55

How do you get out of a bad mood?

So I'm asking you guys in the swell community, what are some tips and tricks that you do to get yourself out of a bad mood or like, stop dwelling on something that you didn't like about your day? Because I am looking for suggestions. Thank you

#turnyourdayaround #mood

Alyssa Reyes
@mediamind · 0:31
Hey, I'm like the same way something small kind of affects me and just like ruined my whole mood. And it is hard to snap. But I learned that if you force yourself to smile, just laugh about it in your head. What I do is I laugh about it or I just try to think of something that makes you happy. Don't spend your whole time thinking about something that makes you laugh. But I hope that helps
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:16


Oh, I like that. That's a really good idea. Like redirect my energy into something that makes me happy. I like that. I'm going to try that, like petting my neighbour's cat or, like, watering the plants or something. Or, like talking to a friend. I'm going to try. I like that. Thank you
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:42
Hey Jazz, great question to pose. Love sharing advice. You never know what one person's experience will have to offer you. In my case, there are a few things I do. I think the one that I want to focus on though, is just taking a break for yourself and filling that time with something that you truly love and adore. In my case, I really love soccer
Liv Blair
@livblair · 0:57
But my first instinct is to just kind of go off by myself or just go take a walk by myself, which is nice. But I think what can really help a bad mood, it's just being around people that, you know, care about you and you can talk to about things. And it might be, like, hard at first because it's easier to just, like, want to shut people out
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:54


And the reason why I get so upset is because it makes me feel like I'm kind of out of control of it in the moment. And so if I can't solve it, redirecting is probably like a really good tool. And I'm practiced out as well. Thank you. Also, I love that in the new Swell app format, you can hit the little three dots and it will automatically tag the person that you're replying to, which the old spell app didn't have
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:55


So it's funny because actually, that is another really good suggestion. Like, maybe I should just be around someone who I know is going to make me happy and cheer me up. So I love that

Spiritual Student Practice

And through this discipline, we've gotten a lot better at it over time. And it's really become something that's just made us less angry. And as a student, less anger is great because now we can focus on writing and not as much writer's block papers get turned in. It's just a better process. But that's what's helped us. So thank you for creating in this space. Amazing
Indy Rishi Singh
@MysticScientist · 2:23
Literally, your brain is working better after you laugh whatever was giving you the bad news. You might have more problemsolving ability to solve that problem, or maybe to adapt or whatever. So just think about laughing more at things. You already know how something is affecting you. You know what it's doing. But why let it get you even more like, especially if it's coming externally? Yeah
Samuel Penate
@samuelpenate · 1:52
That's one of the reasons why I like to stay busy. One of the reasons why I have two jobs and one of the reasons why I usually like to have in person activities in general though, because it really makes my emotions go in different directions and it's hard for me to just be happy if I'm not outside. It's something that I have been working on
Charlie Floyd
@damonnomad · 1:23
There are different variations of arranging these three things. You can get creative with how you can arrange all three, you may only be able to arrange two and sometimes you may only be able to arrange one. But get creative and then inventory what works for you. Once you inventory what works for you, you will have a quicker reference that you can't refer to so that you don't have to do so much heavy lifting. When you find yourself in a funk
Celine Guzman
@celine · 2:58
I think drinking water for some reason also really makes me feel better and makes a lot of people feel better when they just kind of get their body nourished, whether it's like water, eat a nice meal or even a comfort meal or anything like that. But yeah, I think those are probably some of the things that I do, and I think it all just depends on the source of a bad mood. And sometimes there is no clear source
Margaret Latenser
@Maggiel6 · 0:32
And that always gets me in a better mood. And also sometimes I just like to sit down and read a book, watch one of my favorite shows or movies. And also I eat some food. That's always a good one
@paolomcm · 0:57
And to pick me up, I started playing Alice in Roman videos on YouTube. I don't know if you know who she is, but she's really funny and she's like a food personality on YouTube. I highly recommend watching her. It really picks. I would definitely choose something that you're interested and passionate about, and hopefully that brightens your day, even just a little bit. But yeah, I hope this advice works
Jonathan Gossett
@JonathanGossett · 2:01


I know this for a lot of people. So just like doing something like that, like a 40 minutes episode or taking a nice hot shower and your thoughts and not too long or going and this is not necessarily the healthiest, but going and getting something that you like. So like a very small purchase that will help you get to the day. It's kind of like it goes with the capitalism and consumerism
Vaishnavi Mittal
@vaish_2230 · 1:05
So, yeah, bad mood having is okay. Take a break. Relax, chill. Do your favorite thing you love to do. I love to write the poem, express my words out there. So you said, watch some TV shows, spend some time with yourself, sit, relax, enjoy. And don't overthink upon that thing that is causing you not feeling good, that is feeling you bad and all that stuff
Christina Dunham
@chrissydunham · 1:36
So that's one thing for sure that definitely helps me is music. I also like to try depending if I'm at home and I'm having a really bad time, a hot shower, at least for me. I find that to be really soothing and relaxing and definitely helps put me into a better mood space. And I like to make sure I'm making a good meal for myself or go on like a walk. That really helps me clear my head and kind of come back down
Riya Sharma
@Rsharmaiya · 0:16
Like, whenever I am not in great mood, I usually visit one of my favorite memes, cool down and sing. These are the two things I always do, and it always helps. Th
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:38


And when you can do all three of those, you know, like, I'm going to practice that. Thank you for that. I actually, like, wrote it down and put it on my wall
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:31


So I just checked out Alison Roman video about the best meatball recipe. And you are a writer. Like, fun, light hearted attitude is, like, really contagious. And I love technology because I can also watch the Ellis enrollment videos or another YouTube video to kind of like, get me out of my funk on my phone, wherever I am. So, yeah, thanks for the suggestion. I really like the videos a lot
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:59

#community #newfriends #mentalhealth

But yeah, thank you guys so much. And I'm going to continue adding to the list. I'm relistening to all these swells and ideas, but if you see anything on the list that I don't have on there and should add, hit me up. And also I want to say, like, I've made so many new friends on the app and it's so cool to interact with everybody
Isabella Croston
@isabellaa · 0:41
So this is definitely more of, like, a quick fix rather than something that would, like, really make, like, turn it around, I think. But, like, it also really helps is watching your favorite show. And I know that sounds so, so stupid, but when I do that, when I have really bad anxiety, it actually helps keep my mind off of that and what's going on. And that's what I do with my anxiety
Mark Francis Rahaman
@MarkR · 5:00
I had to deal with them in my days, and they were going for a major divorce, major life changing experience, going through the courts and everything, and they were going for a really stressful time. It had nothing to do with me. And as soon as I found that out, it completely shifted my focus. I didn't feel that way anymore. So you can change your own focus. And what that means is you can focus on something else
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Mark Francis Rahaman
@MarkR · 2:49
So what you do is you're walking somewhere. You've got ten minutes, 15 minutes. You do five minutes of breathing. And I've been into a lab, actually, I'm a conditioning coach, and I work with professional fighters. So I've gone into labs, and we've looked at brain activity, and breathing actually focuses the part of the mind that brings on focus and center. So if you breathe rhythmically, you'll center yourself
grace pouri
@gracepouri · 1:22
I think the best way I've learned to deal with it is either by surrounding myself with my friends, the ones that aren't annoying me, at least at the time, because when I have a bad day like everyone and everything is going to be annoying me. So I definitely try and fix that
@Marteen · 0:52
So it means at this particular time in which I'm just in a bad mood, that will be also not beesent in my life. So this shell two passed, just be in your present moment and live your every moment because every moment is a precious and yeah. Yes
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:59


These are really great suggestions. Thank you. I always forget that making a gratitude list is like, a really good way to shift your mood. So that's something I'm going to try to remember to do more. And, you know, I'm such just stickler for scientific approaches to things. And I love that you brought up the science of breathing and how it totally changes your blood pressure, which, in effect, can totally change your mood. I just love it
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:19


Hey thanks for your response. That is such a good idea because when I'm not feeling good about something, it feels like it's going to last forever, right? Like it's so hard not to get stuck in the moment and feel like you're going to feel that way forever. So like saying like this too shall pass is such a great idea
Emma Meyer
@emmameyer · 0:48
I have totally been in this situation. So usually in most cases, if you're mad about something or just having a bad day, you have to tell yourself that there's usually not anything that you can do about it in the current moment. There's just nothing you can do about it. Just got to let it be. But I usually just go outside, take a walk, or surround myself with people that I love, people that love me or just support
Fiona Hernandez
@FionaElizabeth · 0:25

#relaxation #music #writing

I think that everyone always goes through a bad time, a bad mood and what helps me is writing and definitely listening to music. So I think that it always varies within everybody whether it's with just taking the time to just relax or calm down, even just taking a nap. I think that those can be really useful and helpful in just helping someone get out of a bad mood
L Kausar
@LuzuDayum · 0:34

#bad mood #solution #sleep #relax #music

To get out of a bad mood. What shall we do? We should do something that you love. Definitely. Yes. We can go to Cook if you love cooking. Just a hobby if you have one. Or you can go read a book or listen to music or the best and the best one. Just go and sleep because I feel sleep think is the best escape. Don't you think so
Diya Sawhney
@diyasawhney · 0:33

#badmood #happy #hobbies

So Hi. So my answer how, how, how do you get out of bad mood would be distract yourself, divert your mind in doing things you love doing. I personally love playing games. So whenever I am in a bad mood I start playing games. It helps me shift my mood up. So that is what you can do to distract yourself and make Markr Pouri move better. Yeah. Thank you. Bye
Palak Jain
@palakjain · 0:29
Whether I am Moody or joyful, I just do art. Even it is one small sketch which hardly takes five minutes. Because I feel through art, I can express myself. I can rent out all my feelings. And then when I'm done, I feel relaxed. All my exasperation vanishes. So you can also try this, and you can do what you love. And even if it takes just a minute
Nimisha Dhami
@NimishaDhami · 0:09
Well, to answer your question in a very simple way, what I usually do when I have a very bad mood is I pamper myself
@Harshika · 1:04
Hey, I think we can just literally fix our modern minutes or like really fast. Because if you are a person related to music, then you can listen to it by yourself. You can just dance on a favorite song. And if you are attached to a person, you can really call that person or meet that person. If that person is your happiness, you can talk to your friends, family. If that makes sense, that would be a great idea
Shatakshi Tiwari
@I_blabber · 0:36
Actually, there are so many things out there. You can choose to lighten up your mood. You can treat, you can go for a walk. You can listen to your favorite music, you can write, you can meditate. Actually, there's one thing I think it works for everybody that is watching comedy movies or comedy shows, anything like that. So you're you can try that as well. Thank you
Bipasha Sehrawat
@bipashaa · 0:38
Hi. My personal tip for getting out of a bad mood is, you know, you can listen to a music, and I'm a person who doesn't like to share his feelings to, you know, someone I think that I am I think that I'm Borging that person by telling my problems to them. So I believe in fake it if you make it concept. So I take a smile for a whole day so that I, you know, don't bother someone else
Chelsea Georges
@cjsthoughts111 · 1:36
Okay. So personally, for me, I am a lover of clothes and shoes accessories. I just love fashion and I love shopping. And so when I'm sad, I don't necessarily buy things but like to go through my favorite brands or favorite clothing websites and just look through what they have to offer and add it to my cart and just basically spend time on, like, a fake shopping spree to distract myself from what I'm sad about or what I'm dwelling on
Kashish Longiany
@Kashishlongiany · 0:46


Hello. I hope you're doing great. So usually I'm a very emotional person. I take everything to my heart, especially if somebody doesn't talk to me nicely. I take that to my heart heart and then spoiled my mood. And then my whole day goes, like, cribbing about the fact that I listened to them or maybe they disrespected me and I didn't say anything
Hansika Reddy
@Hansikareddy · 0:37
Yes I need to what you're saying so much because I like a single thing that goes out of order, ruin my day and some of the simple things that I do to make myself feel better is reflect it and ask myself why it is happening and find a solution based on how my feelings are and not ignore my emotions. So those are the simple things that actually help me get out of a bad mood
Adaa Gupta
@AdaaGupta · 0:38


Hi Jazz In order to get out of a bad mood I would suggest you to do something that makes you happy and makes you the happiest person ever. Or if that doesn't work too then just work out the root cause of a bad mood and try to solve it. If you can or if you don't, just go to bed and have a good nap and just have your favorite food and I guess and everything will be pretty much better
Jordan Brown
@ModernGentleman · 1:01

My experience on the topic

But I'm working on that and trying to get out of it though. But it can definitely be irritating when something's happened or you get an argument with somebody or what they said really irritates you and stuff like that. So sometimes I'll listen to music, play video games or watch some movies or go out for a bike ride or a walk, do
Jomarie Almeus
@jomariexann · 0:42

humour is my medicine

The way that I get myself out of a bad mood, I don't know if it's a good thing, but I just try to make a joke out of every situation. I feel that forcing myself to put a smile on my face and laugh about it really eases the attention that I have regarding that situation. I feel that it's very easy to internalize everything. And while some things can very be personal, I feel like having humor will cause you to look at it in an objective way
Esha Panchal
@Eshap · 0:36

#notetoself #selfcare #mood #tips

Well, I would just say that, like in life, there's always ups and downs. There are happy days, there are Saturdays. But at times, you know, when I get you know, I just have a very bad day or bad and Mooge I the tips, which I could share, is that I listen to music because music just hates me, heals my soul. No matter what my mood is, it just calms me down
Bianca Garwood
@Its_Bink · 1:27

Preventive > Reactive

Like I get up, I do something, I put on the show, eat some nourishing foods and fruits. I've heard writing helps but I'm still trying to get into that
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:52


That's so funny because one of my favorite self care cares when I'm in a bad mood is to like window shop on like Amazon and Target.com. So I love that for you because I also do the same thing. Thing. I'll put like a bunch of stuff in my Amazon cart and I'll put a bunch of stuff in my Target.com cart
