Alan Mehanna
@storiesbyalan · 4:25

Have you ever been blinded by Fear?

I can't necessarily name the company because of their nondisclosure, but that's what I do. I haven't been receiving a lot of calls from clients, so there's a lot of fear. And I am a writer. That is the career that I'm trying to build for myself. And that's where the trickiness came in, because deep down, I always knew that I was meant to be a screenwriter. That's always what I've wanted to do

Fear is the Mind Killer #Screenwriter #SelfAcceptance #Surrender #Trust #SelfDoubt

Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:54
I'm in a scenario right now where I talked myself out of blinding myself by fear, but I've had experiences where I've literally stopped myself from pursuing the job of my dreams due to fear, where I've pivoted and got a job just because it made enough money for me to stay afloat
J Wang
@jsmwang · 3:27
And I remember once I was editing this film that was really hard for me to edit because it was kind of like based on my family, and every morning I would just sit down, read a chapter of her book and then go into editing
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 4:33
But you do it every day and you put in the hours so that eventually, when the muses show up to bestow a gift onto you, you are present and you are ready and you have skills. And then you just have to trust it. The ego disappears and the fear disappears and you can be sort of a vessel right to the beautiful work. So, yeah, it was a bit long windowed, but, yes, I have been blinded by a fear I think we all have
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:07
And once I arrived at a point which was really relatively recently, maybe two years ago, once I arrived at that point where I realized the pain I was inflicting on myself for not respecting, loving, valuing myself above all things, it created such a powerful shift. I cannot go backwards. I refuse to go backwards
Alan Mehanna
@storiesbyalan · 2:53

@r.o Thank you for that message!

Ro, thank you so much for that message. Thank you so much for piling on the book recommendations. I literally started a list. It's gonna be called the Swell Book List. You know, I love what you said about, like, practice making it less or giving fear less space to work with. It's almost like you distract the fear, which is with you in the car
Alan Mehanna
@storiesbyalan · 1:15


If there's a place where I can see some of your work, I would absolutely love that. Thank you for connecting and can't wait to keep growing here with everybody on this beautiful app that I discovered by accident or maybe it wasn't by accident. Thank you again and blessings to you
marce w
@knomarcie · 4:59
I don't want to experience that pain. I think that has to do a lot with my roots and where I've come from. And that feeling just seeps into everything, my work and my school, everything that I put my hands on, my product in life, my statement in life. And I've been saying that word a lot statement. But I think everyone knows what I mean, especially creatives, I think. And it just is awful. It is like a stunt
