Stasia by Stacy
@StasiaInk · 1:00

Follow Directions

You. Why ask for directions when only you know where you're going? It's a question I often ask a thought that keeps on growing. We're taught to be selfsufficient to rely on our own might, to trust our instincts and to follow our own light. But sometimes even the strongest of us can falter and fall. And that's when asking for directions can help us stand tall

This poem reminds us that there is no shame in admitting we dont have all the answers. Since All Roads take us back home. #spokenword #guidance

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:21

#truth #path #life #poetry

It speaks to something I've been feeling lately, and that's just that every time I feel like I have it figured out, I feel like I love the people that are close to me enough to share what I think I have, quote unquote figured out, only to realize that in some due time I am left in a reckoning of how much I really don't know
