Stashia Jeanette
@StashiaJeanette · 4:42

The moment I realized I could take care of myself mentally, emotionally & spiritually…

For real? For real. Even as a kid, at like five years old, I was taking on adult roles. So I really can say that I felt like an adult even as a child, because I was playing adult roles. I was playing caregiver, therapist, doctor, advocate, fighter, warrior, healer, best friend, teacher, advisor, leader. All of these things from like four or five years old, and that's never stopped

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp29Jan24 #ugcprompt #TellYourStory @Essielayne1sShe | First felt like an adult

Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:20
The way adults typically use their intellectual tools to label and categorize different variables in the world at large, and then pull from that decisions to put you as a four and five year old into that somehow was consistent with what you thought was the right thing to do for you as a four and five year old child
Stashia Jeanette
@StashiaJeanette · 5:00
Okay. Thank you so much for this. I feel like you know me very well, and that's one thing that I've really grown to love about this app, this platform, is that it brings in the people that we're meant to connect with at a bigger of kind of soul, universal, collective level, energetic level. And I feel like that's exactly what has just happened with this, because it seems like you get it a lot more than I would say even
