So, anyway, I don't know why I had to talk about. I think because the moon is opposing Mars right now. So Mars in Pisces is very aggressive, is very competitive, and very passionate. Okay? And it's very go, go. Right. And the moon in Virgo might be a little bit more grounded. You know, it's like, no, I don't need to rush into things. You know, I'm gonna do things on my own pace and

Passionate, emotional, competitive are three words to describe how feel towards volcanic eruptions in our lives. #astrology #socialmedia #energies

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:07
As always, so interesting. And thank you for preparing us for this season. Right now, I feel like I learned a lot


And I'm a God believer, and I always, you know, put God first and everything, but I do also believe in energies that impact us. And one of the examples that I give is when you enter a store, right, and you just don't feel right. You're like, I don't know about this store, you know, and you kind of have that feeling
