Being the Change in Los Angles : Craig Greiwe Talks about Rise Together

And when you hear Craig speak, you see that he's not trying to infuse you with the big cheerleader of, like, let's do this, guys. Let's just rally and rally and rally. He's a very tactical, practical guy. Craig, thank you so much for being here in this conversation. Welcome to Swell. I know this conversation is going to go in many different directions. You've got a lot of priorities A template for getting things done? #swellinterview #activism

Craig Greiwe
@theworldatcraig · 2:47

#losangeles #risetogetherla

So we want to help people see based on facts, that it doesn't have to be this way and then help them be empowered and realize that this city is ours, not theirs, that theirs, being all of the corrupt, failing leadership of the city, it doesn't have to be this way. The city is ours, not theirs. And the change we want is possible. But none of that happens. And we'll go on all three of that
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:26

Ok coach! 🍿😎💪🏼

I want you to walk me through this because this is a way for us to really dig into the impact. Rise together is going to have. And I feel it in my bones. So let's talk about the underpass near my house. So when I go under it and I see the garbage left by encampments. Let's not talk about the homeless right now. Let's talk about the garbage left by encampments
Craig Greiwe
@theworldatcraig · 3:29

A start…and the big journey we go on!

What did it feel like, Lake? And do you remember what that was like? Because that's where I'd really love to start diving in then and then swell work our way back to a solution. A permanent solution for that underpass, I think
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:19

The ecosystem of my vote 🗳

I think you were asking by sort of taking me through the steps of a vote and its connection to let's just focus on Los Angeles. We don't need a civic lesson about how the world works, because that's not going to help anybody. I'm just loving the indulgence I feel right now with you. So take me from a voting experience to my experience seeing change. So first of all, the three one done is great to know about
Craig Greiwe
@theworldatcraig · 3:56

Your vote can matter in LA for the first time!

That means 800,000 people who've never voted before will vote for the first time, which means that the public will have a say. Now the key is who will they put that say behind? This is where our focus is with rise together. This is my passion, right? It's because they need to put that focus on people who are going to go into what is undoubtedly a broken system in every way and use the bully pulpit and not make friends, as they say on RuPaul's drag race
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:30

Changing my patterns as a voter

And I'm really excited about how you made me feel. And if you could make me feel this way, I know you're going to make other people feel this way. So to prepare us for voting, pretend that you're the professor and we are students. And there are semesters going to end in November, and we have to be ready to get a good score. We want to do the right thing
Craig Greiwe
@theworldatcraig · 4:43

Building a common set of facts @ and growing from there

Now where to go? That's the tricky part. It's one of the reasons that we started Rise Together is because electioneering in Los Angeles has been focused on so narrow a group of people, just 400,000 people in a city of 4 million that the city is wildly unprepared for how to inform and educate its citizens about what's really going on. We have one extreme shouting at the other, and everyone posting their misconstrued, misinformation, biased versions of the past
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:25

Hey, Craig, I'm so happy you mentioned the powerful that comes into our mailboxes because I feel like they spend money on it. I have to look at it. Who's who? And it's a race against, like, who's got more money to put more paper into people of homes. That's always confused me because I don't want to be reactive to it. But you're making a point like anything that's extreme or fringe is going to mess this up
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Craig Greiwe
@theworldatcraig · 1:54

Truth. And expanding the conversation.

But it's the way that we do that as a democracy with that little tee truth. And I think that's where we haven't awesome opportunity. Now it's on me to bring in that person and expand our conversation. I love that. Thanks so much. Bye
Craig Greiwe
@theworldatcraig · 0:42

And one more thought

I love the idea of bringing in someone and expanding our conversation with people folks that we don't necessarily know where we share the common ground with, but where we can find that common ground, where we can talk about the change that we need in La, in a way where we can have different perspectives in a reasonable, incredible conversation that shows the diversity city points of view in the city, but also the shared belief that we all want this city to be a better place, and it can be even when we don't always agree
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:24

Real conversations - this one was with a parking meter people!

And I know I sound like those two words may be contradictory to each other, but we really dug into why there needs to be these punitive behaviors, like tickets in order to create a more meaningful experience for someone living or visiting in La. And we got down to the idea of where they do a lot of their ticketing is in popular areas where there's tourists. And I said, Doesn't that make the tourist experience horrible when they get a ticket?
