@Sophia · 4:44

Self love as a practice

Because as these negative thought patterns are swirling around in my head and as I'm efforting to redirect them with the tools that I have. I realized that at every turn and almost every waking moment. Especially if you're a woman. Especially if you're a mother. Especially if you're a single mother. Especially if you are a person of color. Especially if you are neuro divergent. Your value. Your intrinsic worth is affirmed only by your output

Had a realization today #selflove #mentalhealth # adhd #neurodivergent #neurospicy #singlemom #bipoc

Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 1:11
I think that responding to this right now is actually with me because I'm actually going through a moment where I will utilize myself care because of the moment I have my best friend. Yes, definitely like hygiene because negative thoughts are like nominal aspect and they can definitely spiral now it's like put that way, it's just like I think when you're you refer to it as things that we do daily habitual things it makes it easier to remind yourself that this is something that you have to maintain
@Sophia · 1:20


Hey, BRZY. I don't mind testing, first of all, by the way, cuts like a sailor. But yeah, no. Thank you so much for responding. That made my morning. You know, if what I said can and click for one other person, then it was worth it. And, yeah, it was like I had that kind of revelation for myself. So hopefully that can be a part of of the conversation moving forward
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:25


But one thing that like I said, coming across your swell, one thing that I just really didn't take into consideration is the self care aspect of it. Yeah, I'm going on this healing journey, I want to heal and I'm taking the steps and I'm doing all these things, I'm practicing healthy habits. But self care, I know now that we're talking about it, I know that I need to kind of focus on them. I'm very big on oral hygiene
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 1:37


But you saved the best for last. And so now I develop a deep relationship with myself, acceptance, and I'm always open to learn, grow, and evolve. And so, yeah, self olive. I see a lot of people saying, oh, self love, self olive. But I practice it daily. Right? It's not something that you can say, okay, today I love myself, and then tomorrow, I don't know
Eric Owens
@EricG · 1:53


So if you're interested in that sort of thing, I do have some motivational videos there's podcasts about me, my life story, that sort of thing. And I also have a book channel where I talk about the books that I'm writing and the books that I'm reviewing to be read list, that kind of thing. Fun stuff. So if you decide you want to go check that out would love to hear your take on that
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:04
One interesting thing about love is that it's often phrased as something you do for others more than yourself. Finding someone is, when it's true love off. But yourself, what do we prescribe that to? Naturally, someone can have an ego, right, if they think about themselves too much, right? So self love can be a quandary for some because they think love, true love, is what you have for other people
@Sophia · 1:39
So, like I said, that's a whole nother part of the conversation. But I love what you had to add there. And thank you so much for connecting and bouncing off of that. I appreciate it. And, yeah, definitely more to come
@Sophia · 0:42
So I also want to add what you touched on in the very beginning. That self, that not self. Love is often described as something that we do for others. And I think I may separate this into a whole different but I had this conversation with my twelve year old son not too long ago, maybe no longer than two weeks ago, and it was eye opening and deep because you really don't realize and understand your concept of something until you have to explain it to a child
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:18


But from that, I think you will begin to process and understand what it is exactly that you want from others with love, that you will begin to replenish in yourself things such as hygiene, but also date yourself. Guess what I'm going to be doing for my birthday? I'm going to take myself on a date to the movies. Just go see a film
@Sophia · 4:00


And you said you love yourself more than you ever have. We come to that through practice. And you're right, it should be natural. It should come naturally, and it does. And then it's programmed out of us. And by program, I mean the things that we constantly hear and see every day. Babies love themselves. They don't even have a second thought. Toddlers don't have a second thought about their worth. Am I worth loving?
@Sophia · 1:29
Yeah, I love it, too. I'm, like, I can talk to people and connect, but when I feel like it, I don't have to type. I don't have to do anything I don't want to do. That's my jam
@Sophia · 1:53


Luciana. I hope I'm saying that right. Thank you so much. Yes, yes, 100%. All of that. It's not something you can say or do once. It's not an act, actually. Self care is the act. Self love is a state of being. What is love? We often, as Fred Orio pointed out, talk about love as actions we do for somebody else. But love is a state of being to me
