Shrinidhi Iyer
@Shrinidhiiyer · 4:14


Well, let's reaffirm that it's not your fault, except the fact that things take time. You have had a bad experience and it will take time for you to recover. Take a deep breath and accept that things will be back for a while. And that doesn't imply that you must enjoy or agree with it. It simply means you won't waste your time backing something you can't change. Instead, concentrate on repairing your own heart because that's worth it. Take care of yourself

You will be A-okay!! #life #cheatedon #relationships #cheating #betrayal #hurt #partner #mentalhealth #selfhelp #advice #people #wilsonhub

Harsh S
@ItIsHARSH · 0:07
Your topic is the reason I have a feeling of misanthropy towards anthropos
Shrinidhi Iyer
@Shrinidhiiyer · 0:06
That seems acceptable. I know how it feels. It's terrible
