Shreya Garg
@Shreyagarg2402 · 1:19

Which superpower would you not want?

Hey, swell. I have really seen a lot of swells. Which, which, which, which, which superpower would you not want wishes, but let's twist it a little bit. Which is the superpower you definitely don't want to have? I mean, it's a good question to think about. I honestly do not want immortality, like people say they want to live forever, but I have to think about it like my parents, my friends, my sister, even my lover

#superpower #sayitonswell #askswell #justforfun #randomthoughts

Shashank Sehgal
@SSS135 · 1:36


Hi. So it's such a nice question. So what superpower. I don't want. I don't want to have strong senses power. You know, we have five senses, so I don't want a strong power in them. Can imagine I am sleeping and there is some noise which a normal person cannot hear. And being a superhero, being so specialized in those five senses, if I get this power, then I won't be able to sleep
vaibhav behl
@vaibhavbehl · 1:18
Okay, so which, which, which, which, which, which, which, which which superpower would you not want would be, you know, like to see people's future. Like the future they could idea, you know, like, they were a completely different person before BT. And maybe I would respect that person, but I respect the person they are now. The respect in my eyes. So I guess the power to see an individual's future, your past would be the
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Simran Sehrawat
@simrannnn · 0:32


Hi. Shreya. So, first of all, it's a really nice question and a very nice well, so which power? Which, which, which, which, which, which superpower would you not want? I can look into my future. I don't know want to know my future. I like surprises. I would like to know what will happen to me in the future, and I don't want to see it in my present. So, yeah, that will be super power
Shreya Garg
@Shreyagarg2402 · 0:51


Even with the taste goes same thing, right? Anything would be ten times spicy or ten times sweet for you. Even with this metal goes the same thing. But I think vision one can be beneficial
Shreya Garg
@Shreyagarg2402 · 1:21


Actually I agree with you on this completely. Like looking into someone's past or future will be scary and will judge. We can judge people on them. Like if you look into someone's future and and he's becoming a criminal or something, maybe you will definitely won't be friends with him. It can be that scary looking into someone's future and past. Like you obviously stated, maybe he has changed but I will judge on him or her based on his past
Shreya Garg
@Shreyagarg2402 · 0:32


Actually Simran, I agree with you. Like even I like surprises in my life and I do not want to think about my future. Like if I got to know my future, I don't I won't want it to spoil my present. Also like if I see my future going up something that even if I'm enjoying the present moment, it will scare me for what will happen in the future. So yeah, I agree that seeing our future can be really scary
vaibhav behl
@vaibhavbehl · 0:31
Like, for the boy. But, like, see, I would obviously, you know, respect that person more after knowing his or her past. They would, you know, they changed themselves for good. But Mayor, the
Shruti Singh
@Shruti_Singh · 1:03


Because there are times I've seen in series that people demand I want to be heartless or emotionless in kind of I want to turn my feelings off and that's not what I would ever want. I love to feel things. I love to feel emotions and actually recapitulate with what everything is happening around. So I would never want my feelings to get off. I always choose them to be on. And yes, that's all. Thank you so much for this. I'm using toilet
Shreya Garg
@Shreyagarg2402 · 0:44


Shuti I actually like your thinking but obviously there are times like I also wish like I had no emotions and stuff like that but on the on other hand that would be too cruel. You'll lose all the joy like losing emotions means losing love friendship formula you will be not a living person without feelings and I'm ocean so I think in hard times we just say that and I don't think being heartless is a solution for anything so yeah I think you are right about this
