Chhaya Saini
@shimmythatsoul · 1:52

Universe knows it all! #surrender

So I think most of us go through this where we go back in the time and we often criticize ourselves for not realizing something sooner. Especially when we realize that we've had the times where we could have actually pulled ourselves out, but we didn't. And in the present, whenever we look at those past memories or past experiences, we feel that, oh, my God, how could we do that to ourselves? It was so crystal clear. There were so many red flags

We are always doing our best so no need to self cristise ourseleves

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:19
And, yes, so I think we should take it graciously that, okay, we made mistakes because probably we were of that age or we were inexperienced and we have to move through and all these things so that we can really grow in life. And once we grow, obviously we do have regrets that maybe we could have done things in a better fashion, but then, if we can say it now, because we have grown. But that was the growing phase
Chhaya Saini
@shimmythatsoul · 0:35
Thank you so much, Ranjana. And I'm so glad that you liked it and you were able to resonate to it. And yes, I totally love your points as well. I think we are here to make mistakes and learn from it. And I don't even know why we call them mistakes because I think mistakes or what you say, like, the fallouts are meant to happen so that we eventually learn for what we are here for
