Shawn Nolan
@ShawnieG · 2:25

Oh thet "Lovely" list of 5 things of gratitude!

But as I got out of bed this morning and my feet hit the floor, I began that feeling of feeling like, oh, I'm on the rat wheel of the world today. But then I remembered my list. Okay, Sean, just start with your five things that you are grateful for. And certainly I began with know, not being sick, not having any illness from the kids. Strep throat, Covid. So that was my health

#gratitude #good vibes #law of atttaction

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:59
But they were saying when all the bigger gratitudes feel kind of like hard to reach, just be grateful that you want to be better, that you woke up upset, but you don't want to be upset, just be grateful that that's an impulse in you to want to be better. And I really liked that
