Shaun Lionel D'souza
@shaunlionel_ · 1:09

I feel too much, to feel this less. Sorry, I'm just numb rn :/

Hey guys. Captain long since I last posted but here's another artwork of mine and the title I've given is I feel too much to feel this less. So what I mean to be saying to this is that the sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we are overwent with so much going on that we go numb that we are not able to express

#art #feelings #emotions #empty #life #numb #overwhelmed

Rama Adil
@rama97__ · 1:15
Hello, Sean. How are you doing? I hope you're doing good. Nice art, by the way. And painting is so expressing, and it has many meanings and dimensions, I think. And it really just lines with what you said about sometimes we feel just too much or overwhelmed, and sometimes we just feel numb, like we can't feel anything. It happens all the time. And I hope everyone is doing good and feeling art peace with their journey
