Scharlette Donald
@sharlettespeaks · 4:43

Social media platforms now charging fot use.

Okay, social media has just been run amok by media. It's the truth. Even search engines are run amok by a media. Today I went to go search for a friend of mine who I haven't heard from in a few years. And when I went to go Google the person's name, I forgot their name is similar to that of someone else who is Mexican American singer
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 4:14

#socialmedia #ads #Privacy

But if we're spending six, or not even six, just 3 hours a day on these social medias, all of our data is out in the world because they're selling it all. Facebook has over 56,000 data points per user. And that's not just Facebook. That's Facebook and Instagram. That's data points that they sell to people who are looking to run ads. So if you think for a moment that any of your data is private, you're wrong. It's definitely public
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:35
And I know another fellow writer, she already backed away from social media, and I'm doing the same thing. So that's my answer to it, because I'm going to show these places and spaces that I don't need them, and that's where I'm at right now. But thank you so much for sharing
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 3:06
But to pay to follow certain businesses or certain foolishness that I see on social media, nah. And I got deeper reasons for this as well. Some of these social media friendships, and I use the term friendship loosely, they don't translate well to real life. And I did a whole swell about this. Some people you meet in person and it becomes this really great thing. Others you meet and it's like, yeah, let's just stick to online
