I like to talk about books and review books. Just most anything. Of course, I like to talk about aging because we're all aging, aren't we? And if anybody has any questions, just feel free to ask me. Basically, that's it. I'm just starting out on the podcasting here, and I'm more used to writing, so you'll have to forgive me if my voice doesn't sound great


Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:42

#books #writing

And there's a huge community of writers and book lovers on here, so it's a great place, I think, to do that. But, yeah, welcome, and thanks for being here
Beautiful MO♥️
@MOnae · 2:03

#welcome #happymonday #thankyou

Hey. Good and happy. Wonderful Monday to you, wonderful woman. Miss Susanna, thank you so much for your introduction. It was amazing. Your voice is amazing. Your voice is you. So no apology is needed. I embrace aging as well. Be 54, God's will. October 26. And I'm excited. I'm excited. I had passed away at the age of 22, and God gave me back my life. So every birthday is amazing
