Seng Phengdouangdeth
@sengri_la · 2:05

Question of the Day: Are you loyal to any specific brand or product?

I've noticed that quite a bit. And there's always that. Apple versus android. Some people are very specific about the types of food that they eat. I know my wife is Gosh. What else? The list goes on. You get the point. I myself, I'm not very picky when it comes to most things, but I have learned in time, after having several iPhones and several Android phones, that I prefer my iPhone

#questionoftheday #askswell #question

#seacret #mudsoap #loyalty

So it's a very reputable, good brand and it's manufactured by L'Oreal and it's not a soap that you find on the supermarkets or on the stores. You have to purchase it online. I think Amazon has it, but it's a quality product and it works and it gives me results. And I'm somebody that gets bored easily, so I need to try different type of brands
Micah Liss
@micahicarus · 2:41
Hey, micah here. You know, I personally would say that I and this post definitely made me think about it in, like, a very passive way. I definitely am very brand loyal in several different aspects. Like, I'm the kind of I personally really enjoy using using sunbum hair products because, fun fact, they don't make just sunscreen, they also make hair products. And I'm a personal fan of the way that all of their products smell
