ENTER: Willy Wonka's Lab 🍬 🍭 πŸ§ͺ πŸ”¬

And maybe it will taste like champagne. And what happens with this one is you can choose what hair color and style you want for the day. It lasts all day, but when you go to sleep and when you wake up and your hair is back to where it was before. Okay? And maybe for the last one, let's say cotton candy and it tastes like rainbow colored clouds

#PlumbPlays #imaginativeplay #creativity #brainexercise

J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 4:49
Part two are okay, but a remake of what we already have now, like, just leave it alone. Let it be. Let it be, please. So, for example, another favorite movie of mine, Coming to America, we didn't need a remake. The part two was like the warm blanket from childhood that you discovered in the attic and someone pulled it out and maybe they touched up a few spaces here and there and it just felt like, I remember this


Right. I can't think of any remake that I actually liked, let alone liked better than the original. But that said, every once in a while, I'm surprised by a song or something that I think is brand new that I'm impressed by or like or whatever, and then I find out, oh, it's a remake
J.L. Beasley
@Her_SisuΒ Β·Β 4:56


And she's like, you never heard of the Bee Gees? And I was like, no. So the next night, she played the Bee Gees. And d*** it if not. It seemed like almost every song that's out here, including today, in 2022, it's from the Beaches. Like, someone has sampled their music in some capacity. But I was floored
Aayan B
@aayanismsΒ Β·Β 0:33


Or did you hear about the pink, fluffy magic cupcake? Yes, it's available across the garden. To go over to the kitchen, heat up the pink cupcake, drink it down with a tall glass of milkshake. If you're having a bad day, if you're feeling sad, it gives you immunity against all the sorrows around you. Once you have it 24 hours, you are free from all the sadness that is around you. Try it to believe it


I love it. It even comes with its own advertising and the small print or spoken in that really fast wording that they use at the end of a commercial where you're not supposed to really catch it. Don't eat one of these every single day. I love it. Thank you
Avi Chand
@avichandΒ Β·Β 2:04
Yay. Christina oh, this made me laugh. Wicked imagination. So fascinating. And if you are imagining and I've definitely thought about it earlier as well, if we are stretching our imagination, then I definitely want to make your own weather candy. So it's the super magical candy. And when you eat it, you get the kind of weather same as the flavor of the candy. So you could have summer candy, winter candy, fall candy, spring candy, right?
J Twisted
@TwistedChickΒ Β·Β 5:00
I get to stay in the most beautiful little countryside villa beside a vineyard, and an old Italian grandmother is going to cook me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And she's going to say, manja, manja, even though I'm like fat, she's still going to be like, you need to eat. You're too skinny, manja. Manja, feed me all kinds of good stuff. Like menacore, all the good stuff. So that is my second candy


Maybe it just looks like a lens when you're watching something and there's like a circle on the screen and then they move it. But whatever is within the circle looks different than anything outside the circle. So as people are moving through this space, it's like they have this circle around them and in it, let's say it's autumn in the one circle lens and winter in another, and then they move like a whole bunch of starry. The visuals are so cool


I'm just glad to be able to offer a little bubble of play, a space to just be to fantasize and imagine. And I think it's so important for so many reasons. I think it's why I like to spend a lot of time in this bubble
Avi Chand
@avichandΒ Β·Β 0:54


And I think my favorite candy would be the fall or the autumn candy, where all the colors of the trees would be brilliant, and you'd feel a slight chill in the air, and it would just feel beautiful, and you'd walk around in a little fall jacket. Chand yeah, so that's it. Perception change
Tim Ereneta
@TimΒ Β·Β 1:14
Now, you may have had a Kit Kat bar, a chocolate covered wafer in the form of a bar. Now imagine this wafer is not a bar, but round, like a communion wafer from church. And it's not covered in milk chocolate, but white chocolate. This white chocolate wafer, you taste it and for the next twelve minutes after you consume one, you are floating twelve inches off the ground


It sounds downright heavenly. I love it. I was just thinking of, like, you know, some song. There's a music video and the lyrics have something to do with walking on Club Nine. It would be the perfect candy chocolate wafer thing consume when doing this. But you make sure you have lots of them on hand so that however long it takes to do the filming, you are well equipped. I am loving this. All the possibilities
Binati Sheth
@Binati_ShethΒ Β·Β 1:13


My wiwanka weird candy would be beige looking. It's going to be a beige tablet, let's call it. And when you swallow the tablet, your hair changes color based on your mood. So this is similar to Harry Potter's mood spells, where once you put the potion a specific portion in someone's drink and they drink it, the hair changes color. So you can tell the exact emotion they are feeling based on the color of their hair. Right


I like it. I'm just thinking what happens when there's, like, a complex collage of emotions? Chand have some rainbow colored hair. A little more of this color in this portion of the head, and a little more or less of color in that portion of the head. So you can tell emotion is the most prevalent that could be really interesting for good and bad
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Binati Sheth
@Binati_ShethΒ Β·Β 4:01


Just have your maximum empathy caps on while dealing with them. So that is a way that means youth has figured out how to signal to the world that I am depressed as h***. Nobody is helping me. I don't have the support I need. But I really want to live, even though everything in my body is telling me I want to die. Right. And so I'm wearing these clothes. Please be gentle with me


That the color purple in the culture to represent. Wow. Speaking of sneezes, this doesn't always work, but this occasionally works for me when I feel that tickle. If you look at a bright light or a bright reflection, it like it triggers something. And then, voila, there's a sneeze
Adam E.L. Anthony
@onwardandupwardΒ Β·Β 1:56

@SeekingPlumb love the creativity here!

And my favorite one was the candy that chand the ability to see the color aura, because I've thought about similar abilities, like that where you can see people's true intention for a different myriad of subject matters or whatever, curiosity, but how that would be very cool just to see the different color auras of people and what they're feeling


Yay. I'm glad you enjoyed it. A good dose of imagination in Wednesday is always good in my book. You know, maybe one day something like this could happen, but instead of a piece of candy, it would be a piece of tech somehow connected to the brain with a wearable that maybe displays color or something. Sometimes I think that through and think it would be very cool but then start to think about how it could go wrong. Anyway, it's fascinating to think about
