When does a human body lose its sanctity? And why? πŸͺ¦

But we wouldn't do that today. We wouldn't make a spectacle of them, and we would find it really inappropriate to do that. But somehow or another, once they die, it's okay to do this. If there's going to be an expiration date on the sanctity of a body, why do we bother the pomp and circumstance or the ritual or the stone that has their name on it and the dates on it, or any of the other burial practices that are done?


Jodi Lin
@JodiLin65Β Β·Β 0:04
Oh, I never would have thought of it that way, but you definitely do have a point


When you were talking about, I mean, a weird example or correlation to draw, but when you mentioned colonialism and, you know, the black market and how things are bought and sold or stolen, etcetera, we can talk all we want on one hand about how the importance of not buying and selling, selling people and how horrible that is and something we supposedly want to leave in our past, but here we are still essentially buying and selling human bodies
