AI + human: more creative or simply creating more?

It's definitely going to help us create more and create more new things, but it's not necessarily going to make us more creative. When I think about how much we have already created and how we have diluted, meaning richness of quality, these things, then this is really something that we should be super excited about. I'm not saying don't use AI hand in hand, right? I'm not saying that

Creativity: curation + synthesis. #philosophy #ai #creativity #imagination #art

Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkdΒ Β·Β 4:57
If the creators are coming out and saying, hey, artificial intelligence is actually pretty bad, give this about five to ten years, we're going to see a real problem. We've already heard different things about AI developing its own language that can talk amongst each other without necessarily addressing us
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFiΒ Β·Β 1:57
I think AI can be a help and a hindrance at the same time. I mean, we program AI. We tell AI what to think, and then it takes cues and it takes things that it puts together, and then it makes something. But it has to have an idea at first, and those ideas come from us. And I agree with Prior. Gentlemen


It's not meaning applied or not meaning used in the creation of and I know that some art doesn't necessarily have these greater meanings, but even if we're not talking meaning, there's feelings, like you said, experiences, feelings of those experiences, how those experiences impacted us, the sensory experiences of them, right? And at this point, the AI, it might be at some point able to describe effectively a sensory experience, right? It might be able to mimic these things


I don't know if you've seen it, where parents are showing their kids, I guess, how to crack an egg and the kid is really paying attention. And then the parent takes the egg and smashes it on their forehead. And I guess apparently this didn't start out with kids as the target, it was adult partners. But the fact that everyone is just following suit because everybody else did it and they want to create their own content and they want to be a part of it


I'm with you. I don't think it's entirely bad or entirely good. I mean, I've read plenty of articles talking about how AI has helped us learn about new proteins we weren't aware of within the body or other things, and then coming up with new ways of treating this or that. And they wouldn't have happened without the AI simply because it can make so many more connections so much faster than any human mind, let alone us collectively
Harvey Pullings II
@The79thstreetkdΒ Β·Β 4:55


We're seeing an increase of quantity of everything. When you think about the new phones that are coming out, if you can't see how this is like capitalist driven somehow, AI is going to be incorporated into the later phones that are going to be releasing in the next five to ten years. They're going to find a way to do it. And we're already dealing with the issues of being tracked. There are apps on here


It's like if you speak up now about it, I mean, there was a group that signed that document about AI and how we need to slow things down. And while it made ripples, I guess you could say, of these big names, having their names attached to it, you hear so many people making those excuses that you referred to earlier, being overly lenient with these things. When I've had conversations. I may have said this to you before too, in the past


Do the benefits outweigh what it is that we're investing in any particular app? And I don't know, I guess it all depends on the specific app, what it is that we want to accomplish with it. And that's difficult, like you said, with respect to not only how people are using them, but then how the algorithms, because the way that they've done things on X, for example. And you buy the blue check mark and then you get your tweets promoted over others
Renee πŸͺ¬
@RensLensΒ Β·Β 4:22
Hi, Christine. Great. Swell. Appreciate the discussion. Not sure there's answers to all of the questions posed, but in trying to help make sense of all of it, I'll just throw out there that I personally have found AI thus far to be great scaffolding for your content. It can help you save time in researching your topic. It can help create an outline and simplify things. It can also help you come across differently than when you originally put out your content
The Bookbot Theory
@BookbotΒ Β·Β 2:46

Interesting food for thought @SeekingPlumb

I'm sure when you are going out, you're eating, you're clicking pictures, you are traveling somewhere, you are still clicking pictures, you're shooting videos, just thinking that, oh, this could be a good piece of content, or this could get me good traction. And somewhere I feel that to an extent, maybe AI does decrease that pressure of creating, constantly creating content. It brings that pressure down and it helps us do that
Miss.Es Mysteries
@MissEMysteriesΒ Β·Β 2:56


See, I have mixed feelings, like from seeing those pictures, from the first picture that you put in to the two others, where you gave the AI directions as to what you wanted. It's like that. It's super cool. But at the same time, I feel that AI can go too far


You have the title, you have the role, you have your expertise, just to name very few, right? But if you can start to have AI replace some of those things so if you don't have a degree and you have AI, that can create a passing result. Then you're building a reputation on not necessarily a skill set, but on this other tool. And that's not necessarily a bad thing


I'm so torn about a point that you made that was so good, where AI might be able to help us lift the heavy load of creation content, creating content. And part of me is like, yes, I completely agree and I think you're right


On the other hand, I can also see how if we're not doing some of these things ourselves, then it's like we're allowing our brain to atrophy, right? And that, to me, is heartbreaking. And also, there's so many different kinds of art. But do either of these make me feel anything? No, but not all art makes me feel something. Right. I don't know. I need to think on this some more


Whenever we talk about AI in any story, in any conspiracy theory, the story is always that these things are going to kill us. Whether it's AI or robots, they will be the death of us, right? And I think that because we have so many of those stories, that's almost the only answer that the AI can pull up, or at least the most prevalent one. So it's going to run with the most prevalent one. Right
Miss.Es Mysteries
@MissEMysteriesΒ Β·Β 1:41


I feel like AI would replace so many jobs and occupations that us humans have to do. And if AI replaces that AI human are left to not really have to do much, then, yeah, I can kind of see the human race imploding on its else
The Bookbot Theory
@BookbotΒ Β·Β 1:07

Absolutely @SeekingPlumb

I so agree with you. One can definitely hope, and it's truly a sad, sad thing of our times when we are constantly looking either for content or creating content and maybe inwards of what a lot of people have been observing is that we have stopped enjoying. We have stopped being in the moment because we are too busy capturing the moment either in words, in pictures, in videos or in other format. And I really hope what you are wishing for does come true
Binati Sheth
@Binati_ShethΒ Β·Β 4:51

@SeekingPlumb AI helps the output. Creativity is more about the input.

It becomes part of this tool sheth that we all take for granted. For example, textbooks, right? Textbooks are a result of the Gushenberg press modernized. So AI is also, I think, going to do that. It's going to become a tool. Now I am a writer. Now I do a bit of art on the site, painting valart on the site, but then I'm shit at it. That's fine
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


If we are choosing the ingredients and a rough idea to give AI, but handing off a part of that process, we're pruning back our creativity to a point that sort of stifles it, especially if we're trying to operate within the confines of AI. So, for example, the images in my mind are often abstract or they do not fit within, let's say, normal physics or science


Again, I'm not asking people to stop using AI. I know it's not going to happen. Can't happen. But I think it's important that we consider not only the effects of using it now on us individually, but us collectively and us through time. And what does that mean for us as, quote, unquote, what it is to be human? And how is that going to play out? Ripple out effects of how we approach all systems within life, right
Binati Sheth
@Binati_ShethΒ Β·Β 5:00

@SeekingPlumb An appeal to ignore bulk content creators when it comes to AI

Those stories suck too, with and without AI. The point is the output, right? The output that is generated. The quality of that depends on the input. Whether the input is going into a human or the input is going into a machine that is still in our control. And as long as that is the case, we're safe


And you think that those things are somewhat disconnected from each other, but they're not, right? And so if we run down the path of automation with AI and creating, if we look at it in this sort of telescope view or microscope view where it's narrowed down to just creation, you can see some pros there, but there are also some cons to it, right? But then if we zoom out and we see a broader picture, there's even more ripple out effects
Binati Sheth
@Binati_ShethΒ Β·Β 5:00


These are choices that I get to make without the AI interfering in any of it. And I think the difference between people who are, I suppose optimistic about automation versus people who are not is just that, see, you will never stop technology. It's not possible. It's coming, right? Might as well. There's nothing you can do about it, right? I understand why you're debating this and why this inquiry is fascinating


And my hope, desire, although it's pie in the sky and it's not realistic. I always want to perceive, look at things for the betterment AI human, and from not only zoomed in perspective, but zoomed out perspective as well. Because I think it's so, so important, even more so in this complex world that we live in now, because things are only going to happen faster with more complexity
Binati Sheth
@Binati_ShethΒ Β·Β 5:00


You. I get it. But again, it comes down to romanticization of their past and romanticization of their future. One happens positively when we think about the past, we focus on the nice stuff, and then when we think about the future, we focus on the bad stuff, right? It's some thing that happens very subconsciously. Very few people, harvey rarely met anyone, to be very honest, and that includes me, too, who does the opposite


That's just it the money factor. And yet I still want to dream and think about, yes, we do have agency. And since we do have agency, we could create with the thinking of human behavior, right? The good and the bad, and working with that instead of trying to manipulate it for the bottom line of money. But it always comes back to money. Money will always rule. And for my own sanity, though, I have to entertain the idea that it won't
