My brother: "The man, the myth, the legend."

I think even bungee jumping. I'm not sure at this point how much is my memory and how much I have built up or recreated, imagined. He is smart, he is funny. And I am proud to call you my brother. Welcome to swell, jonathan. Okay. There's just so much here. I don't even know where to begin. But I think the one that comes to the mind first is running with the bulls. Okay. Whatever possessed you? Why were you inspired?


Jonathan Mead
@SubtleChaosΒ Β·Β 5:00
They clean out all of the drunks and they wash down the cobblestone streets, and then they have these fences that are erected along the sides of the streets to keep the bulls corralled and on the right path. And then I don't know exactly what they do to spur them from the edge of town. And they end up running along this path on their way into the stadium at the center of town, which later on that day, they end up being the same bulls that will fight the Matadors
Jonathan Mead
@SubtleChaosΒ Β·Β 2:45
In this way, it was a little bit wider, so I had a little bit of room to maneuver just in case they caught up with me faster than I expected. And I figured I could run to a fence pretty reasonably if I wanted to try and jump up and out. But as I got, the crowd ends up pushing because the crowd is ahead of the bulls, and that ends up pushing


Okay, I should have asked you these questions a long time ago because I don't remember this much detail, and I'm so fascinated. I had no idea that it was connected to the bull fighting, but I'm kind of glad I didn't know that, because I like to keep that outside of my mind as if it doesn't happen, even though I know it does. In fact, I thought it didn't even happen anymore these days. But look, what do I know?
Jonathan Mead
@SubtleChaosΒ Β·Β 1:31
So increase the vision, add the web, toes and hands, some gills and some wings, and we could pretty much go anywhere. I think that'd be exciting. Great question, though. That's funny


Sometimes I forget that we're getting older and I just think of you as having, like, perfect vision. But anyway, I love the imagery. The wings, the web feet, the gills. For some reason, I've given you the blue feet of the is it called booby. I can't remember the name of the bird with the web feet, but ah, this was a perfect lead into the Galapagos Islands and scuba diving
Jonathan Mead
@SubtleChaosΒ Β·Β 4:40


Plenty of turtles, sharks, galore, hammerheads. Pretty close. Some of them some of them turned toward me, but we saw the oh, jeez, what are they called? I think there's an iguana in the glapagos that goes underwater to eat the moss off of the rocks, and then it suns itself out on the rocks on the surface. But they look like little Godzillas when they're underwater. Those were phenomenal


Now, I know that there have been at least times in your life when you've been a bit of a prankster. So I'm curious, what is the one you enjoyed the most or were the most proud of? And are there any that you regret or would have done differently?
Jonathan Mead
@SubtleChaosΒ Β·Β 1:48
You know, I have always been hesitant to play serious pranks on folks because I don't really like it when they get played on me. So, I mean, I've got a few most of them are kind of minor things, holding coffee cups for ransom at the office with ransom notes made out of cut out letters. And we stuck up one guy's office with an air freshener all afternoon


But more recently, you went on a real safari in South Africa. I know it's different, but I'm curious. What was the stand out? What was your favorite animal or experience that you had there? And if you had to choose or could choose an animal to communicate with telepathically, which animal would it have been?
Jonathan Mead
@SubtleChaosΒ Β·Β 4:56


They were just probably on the other side of the park or we just didn't cross paths. I mean, there's Cheetahs in there too. I would love to have seen a Jaguar that seems to be the most ferocious hunter in the park when you talk about connecting with any of them. Telepathically I would love to spend a day in the paws of a Jaguar. I think that would be a real interesting and exciting thing
Jonathan Mead
@SubtleChaosΒ Β·Β 0:15


So I forgot to mention the way that they would trank these rhinoceros is they would do it by helicopter. So they fly over them, they shoot them with the trank gun, take them out and then land and then chop it off and let them wake up in a field without a horn


Okay. You know, I'm going to need the extended version when we get a chance to visit again. And many, many, four more photos. I had to look up the kudu. I've seen photos of them many, many times. I just didn't know that's what they were called. I've included the Wikipedia page here. Their horns are really beautiful. And speaking of, it still makes me sad when I see rhinos without their horns. I know why it's done
Jonathan Mead
@SubtleChaosΒ Β·Β 3:53


And I distinctly remember one time we were setting up camp, and Christina had a stick or something, and she kept kind of swinging it around and smacking it on things. And I think she was beaten on this log or jumping on this log, and whatever story she tells you after, this is completely a lie


Partially. I guess maybe it's because I'm part of this one and it's funny to think back. Anyway, okay, last question, and then we can wrap it up from here. And that is what is something that would surprise me or that you think I might not know about the adult you
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


We had just set up camp, and it was sort of cool and chilly, and there was this loud rumbling sound that began to grow. And down the mountain came this herd of deer. I don't even know if herd is the word I want, Reliving. It in my head. And the word is escaping me of what I want. But, yeah, that link there will tell you a little bit more detail of that
Jonathan Mead
@SubtleChaosΒ Β·Β 2:58


So, yes, I totally remember the bend in the wire. In fact, when I think of that memory, the first vision that flashes to mind is that bent wire. The rest of it kind of falls in together. Yes, you left your mark on it. And I remember mowing the lawn around that thing and seeing it every time, which is probably probably why it's still a story today, is because of the permanent damage you did to that thing
Jonathan Mead
@SubtleChaosΒ Β·Β 0:51


So first of all, so I listened to the link that you did, and I found it hilarious that you mentioned, as part of your setup for it, that we went camping and the bags were big and it was so big that you could only see my feet. You mentioned almost the exact same wording than I did when I mentioned it a second ago. So I thought that was hilarious. But I don't remember your story at all. I don't remember her


I didn't know that you had any interest in doing woodworking. That is really cool. I wonder if in the vicinity of where you live, without getting into details, I know some places have these sort of communal workshops. You can sort of come in and either rent time there or rent equipment there or something, so then you wouldn't have to necessarily make all the investment until you were sure it was something you wanted to do. Right
Jonathan Mead
@SubtleChaosΒ Β·Β 1:39
And you're right about the I'm thinking there's got to be, like, a wood shop facility that would allow me to maybe take classes. Because you're right, as a veteran, there's a lot of facilities on the bases, and I live near some, so there might be something around here. I'll look into that. Thanks for that idea
