An epiphany around communicating with humans...

Or it's not about all of those other things with respect to the story. It's an illustration of something around these concepts. Or if I share a base example that we can build upon, then it becomes a focus on the example of its flawedness or something. And then you can't build on it because it's almost become a distraction. And then there's the analogies that I sometimes reach for. And this is where my epiphany happened. Let's look at one in particular

#ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #autism #communication

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 3:00


That's what you could say, is that they're gullible. And as adults, you see that some adults mislead them. And then there's some adults that do it right. How do the adults that do it right, how do we reach the adults that don't do it right? That's the big secret. That's the big mystery, big thing that everyone has to overcome


So I guess it depends on context. Yeah, I think to an extent, deceptions play a role. Kids are like sponges, right? They're soaking up anything and everything. So it's easier to expose them to different facets of the world and to broaden their horizons to some extent before even getting fully imprinted by peers, the media, society, et cetera, anyone, anything outside of the home. But inevitably, they do come in contact with those
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 0:57


So what I would say is I never try to create anything for a broad audience. I just create things for an audience of one person, which is me, because I always think like, oh, do I think this is good? And then if I think it's good, there's probably at least one other person out there that thinks it's good. But there's 8 billion people out there, so I can only assume that you could extrapolate that by certain some number


And so I want to figure out how to communicate with adults as well. And this is just my journey through some of that, one that has been lifelong and I doubt will ever end. But to each our own, right?
Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollinsΒ Β·Β 2:51


Every individual's life experience is so unique that you really just can't apply one thing to everyone. It's crazy. But then when you're a kid, you're a little more like, let's figure it out. So that's where we get our similarities as children. We have traditions like Christmas. And that's the thing. Some people like Christmas is amazing memories for some people, and some people, it's the worst memories in the world
Rev. Barbara Woods Riles Washington
@theRevΒ Β·Β 4:56
So what has become crucial in my walk through this planet of immortality verses and not verses, but mortality, because as mortal people, we understand that it is only but for a time. So vision and knowledge is what I'm saying, despite what I've already said, which I'm finding so many people just rejecting an understanding of God with all the labels that this world has placed on it


I don't think I'm communicating very clearly. Obviously there's a lot of nuance and complexity to human existence, to your analogy of the shuffling of the decks and so on. But there's also patterns that emerge. Like enough data, enough humans, and patterns begin to emerge of how humans operate. And we can make assumptions based on those. They may not be accurate, but we can operate with them to be able to make other decisions


And if I can do my part to meet somebody at least part way, then I'm doing the best that I can in my interactions with fellow humans, right? Even if they're not doing that for me. I now understand that for the most part that not everybody is going to do this. Attempting to modify how they communicate, how they speak, how they emote, et cetera. When it comes to knowledge and vision, I am perplexed
Rev. Barbara Woods Riles Washington
@theRevΒ Β·Β 1:19


I can see where you have given serious commitment. It's a whole lot of people playing. I mean, it's hard sometime to tell who playing games with you, but I feel your heart, and it was meant to encourage you. And at whatever point my truth confuses you, don't let it. Please don't let it. Don't follow me down my path. Stay on your path. God bless. Bye


Oh, please don't let my confusion discourage you from replying to swells. To me, confusion is the beginning of exploration and discovery and I love the push pull of trying to figure something out. So please don't let my confusion discourage you I appreciate your reply and I will continue to ponder these things. Even if I don't follow you down your path, I still would like to understand your path and so I'll continue to ponder. Thank you again
Rev. Barbara Woods Riles Washington
@theRevΒ Β·Β 4:54
It. Well, if you insist. And I think that you are a very special lady. I'm just going to say that in terms of the. I'm not sure what term to use in terms or to qualify the need to find understanding in places where it's almost impossible to understand. I do know that the universalism of life is when truth and I talked in terms of knowledge and vision


And it's interesting to me to try to figure out or understand these different perspectives of where people are coming from, because although I don't hold the beliefs, I can respect them and appreciate that it's somebody else's path. So I am well versed, no pun intended, in the scriptures and have a long history in the faith, but it is not for me. And yeah, thank you for your reply
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

@homosanityΒ Β·Β 2:12
Well, I can't say that doesn't happen on swell either. Where I post something and somebody replies with a response that doesn't really directly answer what the swell was about, but for the most part they do. And I think that. I think that we have to look at how we're communicating. It's good to understand communication skills, but not be too caught up in that too much because we have to be ourselves
Rev. Barbara Woods Riles Washington
@theRevΒ Β·Β 1:55


So I personally would never be able to say that I'm no longer a believer. I will always be a believer. I'm just trying to sort through all these contradictions, and I'll take back my invitation and no, thank you also. God bless you. I'm telling you, I see your heart


I think in addition to everything that you said, being autistic, there are additional expectations placed on individuals like myself. So we can't just be or not put too much thought into communication styles and so on. For one, my just being is not acceptable with the masses. There are definitely circles of people, I can be me
