Injecting "magic" into the mundane. 🧠πŸ’ͺ✨

And the more we exercise it, the better we are mentally, emotionally, physically, and not only in exercising the brain do we get those benefits, but then we're better equipped to be more agile and flexible in our thinking, to be able to make different connections and just we're better equipped in so many different ways that I feel like we should play more. And I try to do this for myself, but there are times when I feel stuck

#creativity #imagination #brain #PlumbPlays

Sujit Lalwani
@sujitlalwaniΒ Β·Β 2:00
Hi, Christina. I really love the idea of imagination and the kind of power it has. And, in fact, yeah, I mean, several times, to imagine the various possibilities and angles to every situation kind of opens up your mind to brainstorm so much and actually think of various narratives and possibilities around those line of thoughts

@sujitlalwani Flying 🌿:

And then you walk away from that experience and it feels good and your brain is better equipped, I think, to tackle the heavy things, the big things. And, yeah, I'm a huge fan of a huge fan
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 3:28


They were so creative in telling that child to look for the spy. That is so creative and so awesome and does not tamp down the child's imagination because where we are as adults or I know where I was growing up, it was don't be silly, don't act up, don't this, don't that. Oh, you're lying. And I'm like, no, that's my imaginary friend. No, you're lying
Erica Jean
@HeyItsEricaΒ Β·Β 1:53
I also particularly like what you said about gray hair because I found well, I have more than a few strands now, my head. But when I saw those strands, the first thing that came to my mind was wow, I'm like Storm now from X Men. But I'm full of wisdom and knowledge and that is my power. The longer I am here and alive, my hair literally turns silver, which to me is just beautiful and majestic


It doesn't have to be right or proportional or anything else. Instead, it's this trashy doodle. So there's the freedom of expectations and there's just the freedom of flow and yeah, anyway, I'm rambling at you about the wonderfulness of imagination and the creativity, and I'm so on board with you. I completely agree. So much so


Also here's to many more years of unlocking badassery


Oh, my goodness. I love the reframing of your hair being like Storm. It's like this metamorphosis into this powerful being of wisdom. And I love this. I love this so much. And I completely agree. We leave that part of ourselves behind and we talk about, quote unquote, grow up or be an adult and so on. But I very much think that I don't like when we compartmentalize the higher Self versus who we are now, because that demeans who we are now
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 1:52


Give me some ideas on how to do a nose instead of just putting a little pointed parentheses. I don't know. But I come up with a lot of it that ends up looking like trashy Doodles, that's for sure. But I think it's cool. I think it's cool everything you're doing with this and just making people think. Girl, you always make me think. I love it. Stop making me think about the stupid tree
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 0:34


I think it'd be cool to see the whole picture because it looks bad a** right now just from where I'm looking at it. I haven't even listened to your second reply to me, and here's your second, so I'm sure there'll be a third. But anyway, let me see what else you had to say. Show me that picture, please
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 0:02


Yes, girl. Yes. Let's do this
Swell Team
@SwellΒ Β·Β 0:15

Welcome to Swell!


I think when I start doing some trashy doodles, that could be a swell in itself. Like putting a few out myself and then asking others to contribute. Because then it doesn't have to look great. It doesn't have to even look good. It can just be whatever. Because there's times when I see, let's say, faces in okay, I call it what is it called? Kitty enrichment. So I have this huge roll of newsprint
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 2:48


And alcohol pour, girl. Okay, so I do paint pouring. The alcohol pour stuff is if it's what I'm thinking it is. Isn't it, like, super expensive? I think maybe. I don't know. I complain because the acrylic paints are too expensive, but I've wanted to do it. I have been wanting to do it. So, yeah, that's how it turns out. And that is beautiful. You did good, girl


Look at you. These are images after my own heart curvy women and trees. I love it. I wish I could draw, I wish I could maybe it's that like the imagery that is created in my brain and the way that I think I wish so hard I could translate it and create it and show it to people all and sometimes to make it easier to communicate


But anyway, your artwork, I think that has to be probably one of my favorite pieces of poured paint that I've seen, because it sort of has this not only with the colors, but it almost creates this multidimensional aspect to it that like a chrome feel. Maybe there's, like I don't know how to describe it. It looks more three dimensional, I think, than I've seen other poured I keep wanting to say ink. Poured paint. There's the word


Yeah, you need goggles too. I'll stand on the other side of some glass and they can do the preparation of the seed pod and explode it. I'll just watch
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 3:05


You can call them what you want, but I levitate it, basically. And then in order to manipulate the paint, it's that tilting process. It's just making a mess and tilting and just meditating on it. And usually I have binaural beats or meditation music on when I'm doing it, to be honest. And plastic all over my floor because I'm sloppy as h***. But that's the fun in it


Don't be embarrassed. Are you kidding? I love this poured acrylic ink. Word Christina paint thing because it has this, like, three dimensional chrome effect. I don't even know how to describe it. That is so cool. I follow a bunch of accounts on Instagram. A bunch of them were alcohol inks. And then I started following some people who are doing acrylic pores. And I'm not lying to you. I mean it literally
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 3:00


Let me see. There's my brain. Oh, you were talking about buying craft stuff and it just not getting open or like you're not messing with it. Girl, I have so much stuff. I made gnomes. I made a gnome that is called Homie the gnome. And he is thugging like, he's got on a bandana on top. He looks like a cross between a biker and some kind of vato that is ready to shoot up a club. But everybody loved them


I was laughing because I was picturing us in our capes and glittering hair and yucca trees and the exploding diamond trees while Homie the gnome wanders in replication. Wanders along with us. Do you have a photo of Homie the gnome? Anyway, I'm going to see if I have it on other device. And so I'll upload a photo of that blanket I was talking about that I crocheted instead of a single stitch, it's a single and a half. A one and a half stitch?
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 1:21


How quickly do you make those? Because a scarf may seem fast to you, but that was my first scarf. And child. Oh, my God. Yeah. Nobody would be able to afford me. There's no way. If I ever do these gnomes again, which, I mean, I might, maybe I'll forget how much time it took and do it again
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 0:09
And I made this one, too. But we didn't call him Homie the Gnome. We called him just classic gnome. Same price, though
Binati Sheth
@Binati_ShethΒ Β·Β 0:44


That's it inject magic into the mundane. That is the, I think, secret to happiness. Because if you know how to do that, to look at mundane and then create magic out of it, putting aside creativity, thought processes, all of that, just putting you in this state of existence, you where you're focused on creating magic rather than just going so mundane or so mediocre, I think that itself works so well for us. All things said and done


So because of the gingham style, which meant double the amount of yarn you would normally use, it was like 155. $160 for yarn alone. That is ridiculous. And yet I'm obsessed with a blanket and I want to make it for myself. Someday, maybe. But anyway, I am loving your little Homie. Know me. Can't get enough of him


Oh, my goodness. Just know me. He's like, I don't know. I feel like he has magical powers just by looking at him. He's got this whimsy about him. Sort of like he would have a pet unicorn. So cute

@Binati_Sheth 🫢

And then I don't know, then I saw the frozen stream and I was thinking it's kind of hibernating and what kind of critters are in there that froze temporarily and perhaps would awaken when the stream starts to flow again. I don't know, like all sorts of things you could see there. And it definitely has a positive influence, if you will, effect or what have you on everything about how I feel and think in that day day. It's lovely. It's lovely
Renee Slay
@Renee_SlayΒ Β·Β 0:21


Okay, now we've got a unicorn that needs to be very involved, probably more than one in our whole badassery thing. Thank you for putting that in my head. And thank you for enjoying Homie, the nomi and the other magical one that would also be involved. And I'm pretty sure that your cat and my two dogs would come as well, just so you know
Sujit Lalwani
@sujitlalwaniΒ Β·Β 1:39
And I think that is what makes it fun. And laughter is a given element, for sure, because it does get humorous when you find absolutely disconnected things falling together in a very funny way. And then, yeah, you're right. The kind of challenge to think of what the other person said before you and then how it's going to fall into the lap of somebody who is coming next. I think all of this is so much fun


And because you're doing it on Swell, everyone has a timer in front of them where, let's say on Clubhouse, you're waiting until the timer I have makes a sound so that you know your time is up. And so there's different benefits and different drawbacks depending on where you do it and what's ideal for the group who's participating
