Leveling up, but not liking the reality.

But instead of facing the reality of where these things come from, we're pointing our fingers at this external thing and saying the evil is the AI or the robot or whatever it is we've just created, but we created them. So I suppose I've come full circle. There's still this weirdness of wanting to take ourselves to the next level. We limit ourselves by ethics and morals and written rules, et cetera, but we'll create something else and do those same exact things to it

Humans infused w/tech or tech infused w/humanity. What's it all about? Does the mirror really frighten us so? #humanity #ethics #morals

Dewuan .
@FryedOreoΒ Β·Β 4:04


We're fearful of technology, and it become insentient because we think it'll destroy us all. Why? Because this is what we know as human beings. People that are more powerful or more intelligent tend to conquer you. It's a might is right mentality that takes shape. Would AI be able to think on its own? Or will it always be conditional to what the programmer had designed it to be?
Georgie Dee
@GeorgieDeeΒ Β·Β 3:20


Very interesting topic, Christina. I like this one. Look, I think the the indefinable is what eludes man. It's the concrete that we can get our hands on. We can change technology to assist stuff with the physical robots and machines that will help us. Talking about medical technology where we can have artificial limbs, as you mentioned and new valves replaced in our heart


Well, if we're afraid of being conquered by it, then why are we building this thing? Whatever it is? You know, robot or AI, whether it's stronger than us or smarter than us, or can dial its emotions down or can live longer, can regrow itself, whatever it is, right? Why create something that's so threatening? I guess the desire to create more and be more is greater than the fear of being conquered

@GeorgieDee @FryedOreo

There's no concept of how dangerous the thing is or even what benefits there are in this or even what it is. And yet we're racing forward through time as cavemen toddlers with incomplete information, using the tangible, what we've learned about it without having the indefinable woven into that because we simply don't know yet. But I do think that like as we learn more, the goalposts between those two, the tangible and indefinable are going to move
Georgie Dee
@GeorgieDeeΒ Β·Β 2:05

@SeekingPlumb Evolution IS chaos!

You know, the one that's a bit autistic. And he's incredibly wealthy and he sends things to space and he lives in a tiny house. What's his name, anyway? I think he says interesting things about AI and the warnings that he's given people. I'm going to do some research in a moment and see what it was that he said, man. What's his name? South African, originally. Yeah. I love the humans and nuts. They're crazy, man
Georgie Dee
@GeorgieDeeΒ Β·Β 0:06

@SeekingPlumb https://youtu.be/9jkRcrM6XKA

Elon bloody Musk. I like him. No, you don't
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoΒ Β·Β 4:16

Some thoughts.

But with that being stated, it doesn't mean that it's all bad or all good. It really is how that thing does what it does for you. So in terms of machines and AI, I would like to think that you asked the question, why is it that we seek to build something to destroy us? Maybe that's the point after all. And maybe it doesn't have to be so literal

@GeorgieDee 🀫

Okay. Okay. I can get behind the idea of humans being lazy. I can think of a few things I would like something to do for me, but what? I want it to follow me around. What I want it to have to interact with, it just reminds me of a human. I mean, I like my hermitude, my hermitage, my hermit. Something or other I like to be. Yeah? I don't know
night time
@NighttimeΒ Β·Β 1:36
If it's truly replicating human feelings and thoughts, if it's truly doing that, and I think mankind is arrogant, they think they can beat it and we will see. Hopefully I won't be around when the robots take over, but I wouldn't be surprised because if they are identical to humans and have human nature, they will have bad in them. So great topic. Thank you for sharing


My brand is a bit scattered, and I realized I used it to refer to several different things. I don't even know if any of that made sense, but I know if I have to record it, I'm going to lose whatever I was thinking. So I'm just going to leave it and cross my fingers. So sorry
Lance Watson
@lwatsonjrΒ Β·Β 3:31

@SeekingPlumb: a painter’s brushstroke…

And no matter which way you interpret this, it's still taking a jab at the same fundamental question that can something be created without the impression or the influence of its said creator? Is there a way to objectively create something without the transference and countertransference of the actual creator? I don't know what the answer to this question is. I do know that while we believe we are creating AI, that is purely mathematical. That is purely logical. There are just some things that are implicit


And spread out the other end by an algorithm. So it seems also inevitable that whatever the art is, is going to be affected by this. Oh, now that seems to think about possibly the quote unquote. No, I was going to say objective creation, if it wasn't possible with humans, may be possible with AI
