Lureen Russell
@sayitloud48 · 0:33

#MyProfile | Lureen Russell

Hi. My name is Loreen. I am a retired teacher of almost 30 years. I taught in Jamaica, my native land, and I did some teaching here in the United States. Right now, I am at home, and I like to cook, so I have been blocking my cooking for over a year now. I also like to travel and blog from the places I travel


Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:56

#teacher #cooking #travel

So if you do make a travel one, you can put hashtag travel or cooking one hashtag cooking, and then folks can find you through the search, and you can also find other swell that way as well if you go to the search engine and just put hashtag, the topic you're interested in. But so nice to meet you here on Swell
