Saswata Ghosh
@saswataghosh · 1:14

#womens day significance

Hey everyone, it's Ashworth here. So let's talk about international omensly. So omensly celebrated on market every year. So what Omens Day means to society. According to Mahma Gandhi, women is the companion of men gifted with equal mental capacity. If by strength is meant moral power, then women is immeasurably superior than men. If nonviolence is the law of our being, the future with women, so what means they signify?

#sayitonswell #womensday #proudofher #campusvoices

Ritika Dhawan
@ritika_dhawan_ · 0:03


Very good. Yeah. Very good. Very nice
Saswata Ghosh
@saswataghosh · 0:03


Hello. Thank you. I appreciate it
