Sagar Bhosale
@sagarbhosale · 4:59

To Be or Not To Be "NICE PERSON" that is the Question...?

Well, in the seminars or the webinars or these corporate talks, I end up getting a lot of questions related to this. Well, we cannot change the flow of interaction that we are a part of first. So what I suggest your reaction or your action in some cases

#sayitonswell #Nice #Bad #Better #Worse #Realistic #Rationalistic

Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 2:05
Well, thanks for the invite. This is I NN probably chime in a couple of things. Number one, you cannot make all people happy all the time and therefore so despite you being nice in your mind, you still might be upsetting someone somewhere else. Random analogy would be the chaos theory. The slap of a butterfly at one end of the world could create a tsunami at the other end of the world
Sagar Bhosale
@sagarbhosale · 3:51


So to stop that vicious circle, also I have given another parameter that if you have been or you were a reactionary end of some circle, if you are initiating another circle, the one you're talking about, the butterfly effect is a flap of a wing. So there is one more thing to that. It's called one man zero, someone else's revolutionary and someone oh, sorry, someone else's revolutionary is someone else's terrorist. So on those lines yesterday
Apurva M
@CuTeStVaMpIrEz · 0:50
So whatever might be the situation, I'll be nice, if I'm a nice person, I'll be bad but if I change accordingly, then that doesn't mean that you are nice because that's a core value of inside you who you are, so you shouldn't be affected by anything and when you're comfortable with you, you're happy with yourself being nice. It doesn't matter what what the repercussions will be because at the end of the day would be nice only
Sagar Bhosale
@sagarbhosale · 0:24


Superb. Thank you for the reply. And yes, exactly. You're going correct. You've taken a reference value of nice person. That is your, you know, target and you will stay connected to it. And it will not change much. Simply, it will not change from situation to other situation. So that's amazing. That is what the whole concept was about. Thank you. Thank you for understanding that and taking our time to reply
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:21


And I can only say when I look back all these years, being nice has helped me right? If not being nice means being empathetic and responsive and so on and so forth. As I mentioned, it has definitely helped me connect with people better across all realms, be it personal, professional, other social circles, volunteering, etc. Be with students. I have also worked with students and it always right. So I see that it has a great value to have. Thanks for this poster
Sagar Bhosale
@sagarbhosale · 0:17


Hello, Medha. Welcome back. Yes, it was good. Listen to your voice after a long time. Hope you're doing well. And yes, APK exams ayata so yes. Welcome back. Thank you. Thank you for taking no time and replying on this
Tanishi Singhal
@iamtanishi · 0:01
Very good. Swell
Meera Gopalakrishnan
@mira.gopal · 2:42

For me it depends both on person and situation. You cannot be nice to everyone. Similarly you cannot be nice in all situations.

Like how will you take the action? So the entire thing is what I want to tell is that you cannot please everyone. But yes, please be forgiving with people who love and care and respect for you. Never show your shadow shelf to them or your ego or pride with them and spoil a good relationship. Be nice, but never allow anyone to use your same good qualities to use as a doll match or take advantage of you to satisfy their own needs. Thank you
Anupama Jha
@Anupama.Jha · 2:04

"Niceness" is a personal perspective in my understanding.

We can be nice in our own mind, in our own thoughts. We may feel that our actions are nicer in comparison to somebody else. Some X-Y-Z. However, it's similar for others. And here it should not be like being nice towards others. We should be more focused on our own peace of mind. This is what I feel. And being nice is practically not possible. And again, it depends upon person to person and their perspective
Sagar Bhosale
@sagarbhosale · 4:43


What I am trying to say that is when people ask me this question, particularly this is what I try to tell them be nice if possible, or at least analyze rationally and keep your emotions apart. From the kind of decision, whether it's a positive or whether it's a negative decision that you take. Because that really doesn't matter. Because you are in the reactionary phase of that situation. So as long as you're able to control the outcome, please kindly go ahead and do that
shilpee bhalla
@Shilpi-Bhalla · 2:34
Hello, Sagar. Good evening, Cassie. First of all paid my thank you so much. I think thank you so much for inviting me
Sagar Bhosale
@sagarbhosale · 0:42


Thank you. She'll be temple the app? Actually, yes. Some people just to be nice. Thank you. Thank you again
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:01


So I think one of the biggest issues with niceness as a concept is it expects niceness back. You cannot I mean, emotion you can give, but you cannot expect the other person to give back the same thing because people are different. People are unique, circumstances are different, circumstances are unique. Sometimes people are nice but circumstances prohibit them from expressing that niceness and vice versa
Sagar Bhosale
@sagarbhosale · 1:15


Bitty. It's a you know, it's a good observation, actually, when I thought that. Yes, actually being nice is the easiest way out. We are, you know, humans I don't don't say humans are social animals, because I always keep saying this. This is the biggest lie that is thought to us since kindergarten, that humans are social animals. Maybe when this sentence was made, they were social
Chatty Girija
@CheersChatty007 · 1:30

Nice talking to you #cheerschatty #beerisnice #swellcast

You maintain your respect and give the other person respect as well and keep the dignity intact here. Sometimes you need to sugarcoat and make people understand the situation of what they are doing, what they are not doing. And sometimes sugar coating does not help. It's like giving a diabetic person sugar. So I don't think there's any formula answer to it. But just like life, it has a lot of layers and a lot of conditions
Sagar Bhosale
@sagarbhosale · 2:03


Hello. Thank you. And yes, I've checked out your account. It's quite unique. First meera podcast and I just heard a few out of that. It was fun and yes, thank you. Thank you for taking our time and listening and leaving a reply
puja rani
@PUJAA_54RANI291 · 1:06

#thoughts #self-care

But again, if I love someone and the person cheated on me and I cannot be nice with the person, I choose myself and meet myself apart. Maybe later it's possible to forgive and being nice, but with limitations. And it doesn't matter what anyone is going to say about it or thought about it. I can choose to be nice, but never allow anyone to take advantage of it. Thanks again
Sagar Bhosale
@sagarbhosale · 0:08


Hey. Thank you, Puja, for taking our time and listening. And thank you for leaving a reply as well. Thank you
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Dharthi Chipalkatti
@dharthiiii · 0:55
Hi. First of all, thank you for the invite and a great topic because I think a lot of people struggle with the same, you know, question these days. Like you touched upon the intangible and tangibility of the situation. I feel like for me even I went through a phase where of course I had this thing in my mind whether I have to be nice, I have to not be nice, if I am nice, in what situation I should be nice and all of that
Sagar Bhosale
@sagarbhosale · 2:35


This question comes from people who are trying to start a new project or people who are wanting to open new business and they want to know what are the business? This comes under that this question mostly is asked during the business session for working people as well as people who are planning the new business. So that is where I end up giving this explanation normally. So thank you again is
Shweta Chaudhri
@Shwetachaudhri · 0:33
And I believe that's truly beneficial for you. So if you're not being nice to others for them, be nice to them for yourself. So, yeah, thank you. Bye
Sagar Bhosale
@sagarbhosale · 0:42


But that's also a wonderful look at it, that you may end up doing something bad and since you are maybe be genuinely or not bad as a person, which I don't believe everyone is genuinely bad, but yeah, sometimes, and that may end up hurting you in the long run. Good one. Good one. It's
Soumya Srivastava
@soumya1104 · 3:00

Don't be overburdened by the responsibility of always being a nice person. Nowadays, people are nice to people who are nice to themselves.

Feelings and the past experiences that it already holds that we tend to take decisions from our hearts just to fill that void of gift that is present somewhere. So we tend to take decisions from our heart, but that shouldn't be the case. You should always be aware of what is the most righteous thing to do at any point of time. And that will happen only when you start thinking logically of any situation that you have put into
Sagar Bhosale
@sagarbhosale · 0:19


Well. Thank you soumya well, you've summed up it very well. There's nothing much difference in opinion here. So thank you for taking our time and, you know, reaffirming that thinking that I have it is always good to have have a social acceptance browning Point here and there. Thank you
