Rozee R
@Rozee · 4:23

Being empathetic has taken a toll on me. People dont realise I have emotions too.

Do you remember what she. What he did before this? I can't do that. I can't let myself hurt again. And that takes a toll on my emotions, on myself, but nobody understands that

#empathy #love #feelings #pain #ithurts #lifelessons

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 3:34
Rather, he shifts the blame to you, which is something, again, I'm very much familiar with because I think it does happen with people who are empathetic, who are expressive, because initially, you know, we express our love, we express our feelings, our care and everything. And after a point of time, if we feel like we haven't been treated well enough, despite giving them hundreds and thousands of chances, it does impact us negatively
@Qyra · 4:53
So it happens you know you should accept the fact you know just imagine I think what should be important to you is that you should protect your feelings. What do I mean by that?
