@Royalcapability · 3:38

#Askswell How do you take time-out to disconnect & REST ?

And even with the outside noise, it's still serene for me. And I'm not necessarily out here to exercise more, I'm just out here enjoying it's a nice atmosphere and it's pleasant. So my question again is and then I'm getting a massage today. I usually try to get a massage once a month, so I'm interested in knowing what you all do for self time. Me time


Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:02

#mindset #selfcare #inspire

I mean, it's what I kind of touched on was in the past askswell I referenced was, what does self care mean to me? And it's building healthy habits. So now it's hard for me to go a week without going to the gym because I've been doing it so consistently for a year, almost two years now. But nonetheless, I love to sweat. So I'll go sit in the sauna for 15, 20 minutes, sometimes 30. I love it
@Royalcapability · 2:12
Yeah, I see I have to sit in the sauna. But I like everything that you said. It's just so therapeutic. And number one, most importantly, it's affordable. And that's the point I was trying to get across when I left the message
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:10
It's off of the parkway and it's a historical place and it's a historical restaurant, and they have a lot of historical artifacts from the Civil War era and stuff. And it's a big mill that has a creek running through it. And I went out there the other week and I just took in the sounds of the babbling brook, the sounds of the birds and the sounds of the insects and the sounds of the water going through the mill and looking at all the artifacts
Lolaforever Haley
@DeloresH69 · 0:56


And it's definitely good therapy for me and it's a good outlet and I find it kind of fun and exciting and it's something that I look forward to because at the end of the day, it's a great benefactor, good health and it's a great feeling. And thank you for your sharing your your experience and yeah, totally agree with you. Have a great one. Bye
@Royalcapability · 0:27


Hi, Deloresh. Thanks for sharing with me your me time experiences, your selftime experiences. And I totally agree with you. Those are all benefactors to our physical as well as mental health. Thanks so much for sharing that with me. It was a great listen. Have a fantastic day. Bye. Until next time
@Royalcapability · 2:58


You. Hi, Miss Coles. Yes, all of that sounds absolutely amazing, especially the long drive. That is something I hadn't done in quite some time. And the scenery, just looking at the beautiful flowers or just the surrounding area of unfamiliar things that you hadn't seen or even if you have seen it before, to see it again because it's just that pretty. And the peace, like you said, it's about peace
Ariana .
@ariana. · 1:44
This is a little balcony that I have not so little, but a balcony that we haley in an apartment in the balcony and around inside the house, I have accommodated beautifully around maybe 150 or more plants and caring for these plants, pruning them, weeding them, watering them, talking to them almost every day while listening to some soft music. That happens to be my most precious self care and me time. I really love this time that I spend with my plants, and they flourish
@Royalcapability · 1:38


And it reminded me of my mother when you was talking about your plants and talking about how you show them love and all that. My mother, she has passed. She's gone away. However, she was a gardener, and she loved her flowers. And I would always say that she had a green thumb. And I would say, those flowers are really your friend, because I cannot grow any plants. And now I'm at a point in my life where I'm interested in plants
Ariana .
@ariana. · 1:01


Look for her in those flowers that you have now, and I'm sure you'll find her again. I believe that those who really love us, those who really care for us, they never leave us, actually. I believe that become our angels, our guardian angels. And they protect us. And they are always around us. So look around. Your mom is, like, right behind you. Take care
@Royalcapability · 1:07

@ariana. #guardianangels #gardening #flowers #peace #love #delightful

It. You know what? You are absolutely right. They are our loved ones, are our guardian angels. You are absolutely right. Thank you for the correction of that. I really, truly believe that as well. And also, yes, she did have a green thumb. She loved gardening, and she actually had a garden with veggies and and the greens, just everything
Darlene Williams
@DSWDSW00 · 0:43


However, I do ty to take the time out to find something that I enjoy and that makes me happy, so that if there's any negativity that's been presented in my circle, I have the opportunity to ignore that negativity and try to focus on something positive for the day
@Royalcapability · 1:09


You. Hi. Thanks so much for responding to the axwell. I noticed that you acknowledge a short attention span and being distracted and not allowing negativity to enter your space. I think that's very, very in the bowl, and you definitely have a balance, so that's good that you take me time. I think me time is very important for us all to be able to maintain people decisions, make good decisions, and maintain good Ramport with people
