Roohi Kumar
@roohikumar10 · 2:22

Have faith and you'll make it

Today. I just got a thought that in our difficult times, it's so hard to feel motivated or to just get up and giving it back. The concept of moving be victorious and all, it's easy to say, but it's so hard to even get up from our own bed. I'm a Taylor Swift fan. I'm a huge Swifty, and I hope there are many out there. So here's the thing

#sayitonswell #taylorswift #motivation

#sayitonswell #voicescarry

Hi Roohi, actually listening to your swell cast just made my day. It made me feel so good and the positivity that you're spreading around is a really great thing and hats off to you doing more and looking forward all the words that you share of Taylor Swift. It was sounding so assuring that we can still do it even if we are feeling stuck in life. So keep going. All the best. Have a great day. Bye
