Romie herself
@Romiesays · 4:35


Um, hello, Face. It's about midnight. I'm about to do my end of day sorts of chores. Just making sure that all the lights are off and the doors are locked and then brushing my teeth and doing all of those sorts of routines, feeding the cats treats, making sure doors that should be open are open and that should be closed or closed, all that kind of thing. And I've been in just a bad mood all day, basically

#burnout #busy #selfcriticism

Romie herself
@Romiesays · 2:22

#silentrunning #lovelanguages #filmnerd

I should have thought to mention, because you will specifically find this funny. First of all, one of the many things I also did is make tea eggs or began making tea eggs. It's a process that really takes at least 24 hours because you have to marinate something. But also I mentioned that my dad's birthday is during this time. It was yesterday
Romie herself
@Romiesays · 1:08
It's very deeply nerdy sidebar because I'm sleepy enough that I slipped up. I have just revealed that I still refer to Blu rays as DVDs, because, to me, I still think of them as DVDs. I think of them as like, if you're playing a record, there's, like, a single or there's, like, an album, but they're both records, so I still really think of Blu rays as DVDs
Lisa P
@mybookpublish · 3:18

Loved this!

I'm looking for ideals about how to get my profile picture up, and you have one. Your content is just so definitely on point, and I followed you right away, so I wanted to also do my first reply. This app is addictive. Straight out the gate. I've gotten on here, been here 15 minutes, and now I'm blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I had to come here and tell you how those plants look. Lovely scene
Romie herself
@Romiesays · 2:29
Hello. Welcome to swell. I myself joined only about like a month ago, and I think it's sort of a new enough platform that all of us are sort of figuring it out, which is one of the things I'm enjoying about it. There's not the standardized this is what an Instagram post should look like idea yet. So I'm always curious and surprised
Mollie Hawkins
@molliebird · 1:02
You. Hi there. I just wanted to thank you for your post. I really enjoyed listening to that. You've got great insights on things, and it was a nice treat to hear that, so thank you. I also journal my daily tasks as well, and I just want to say that is extremely helpful, especially during stressful times. That's what keeps me on track and accountable to myself. It also helps me relax
