Ro Khanna
@RoKhanna · 0:29

Passing the Inflation Reduction Act

Hi, this is Rokhanna. Today we passed the Inflation Reduction Act. It's the largest investment in climate ever. Huge incentives for solar, for wind, for battery, for electric vehicles. I want to hear from you. How is this bill going to inspire you to take action for climate? What more can congress do? But a great day today for the climate movement across the country. I

Today, Congress passed the largest investment in #climate in our nation’s history.

Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:33
Hey, Ro, this is Taylor from Southern California. Just want to say massive congrats on this huge win. You know, these are the steps that we need to be taking as a country, as a people. Steps in the right direction that are going to leave this planet a better place than when we got here. We have been treating it poorly, and we got to do everything that we can to save it. And these are the steps that we should be taking
phil spade
@Phil · 1:51

@RoKhanna Congrats! And thank you!

We see the weather, just the extreme weather snaps that we've had. And it's good to be taking the first steps to doing something about it. And me personally, I'm looking to move. And when I move, I'll be looking for a place that has the solar panels. I want the greener energy sources, and I've seen that they pay off, so that's what I'll be looking at. And this bill really incentivizes me to do that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J Wang
@jsmwang · 0:54

Educating myself!

Really educate myself more on the climate movement and the actions that I can take that can have an impact in my community and to get more involved in general. So, yeah, I really appreciate you posting this news on Swell. It's so rare to hear good news as well. Well, so it's definitely great and I look forward to hearing more from you about this act or anything else. So thank you
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 4:58

@RoKhanna, I have a few questions for you on this Act. I am seeking clarity on many topic points that could indicate this hurting the economy & people

So since 2020 we've seen the Federal Reserve print over 80% of the US dollar, 80% ever known has come in the last two years. The Federal Reserve jumped from $4 trillion in the spending to over $20 trillion in less than 24 months
Jack .
@zejacques · 1:26

Huge congrats!

What I'd love to see, not more from Congress, but just from Congress, is follow through. So I have a very basic understanding of American politics, but I know that there's the House and then the Senate and Congress, and I'm interested to see how this plays out and if it actually creates impact or it just gets lost
Jack .
@zejacques · 2:30

@dobbsty #climatecrisis

I'm really glad you brought up your points, but that's my perspective and I think we really need to push back now against that narrative of it's going to hurt the economy. The economy is hurt, it's going to be hurt. I'm kind of a little bit scared and cautious of how things will play out. We need to continue this conversation point that you've started, but it's been decades now. Nothing's changed. So we need to kind of change
Zara Lisbon
@ZLisbon · 0:46
Hey, welcome to Swell. Welcome to the club. Thank you so much for sharing this information. I'm so focused on the negative of the politics of the politics world and the government that I forget to be hopeful and optimistic about people like you who are really, genuinely fighting a good fight and keeping us in the loop that good things are happening at the same time as the chaos and the darkness. So, yeah, this is fun. Thank you. Thanks for the good news
Michael Yarberry
@Michael · 3:50

I've had a front row seat in that situation, like I said, going on 30 years as a taxpayer and a pharmacist. That has frustrated me as I've seen basically the government taxpayers and the patients picked clean by drug companies. And I truly mean this. I want to thank you guys. That is a big win related to the Inflation Reduction Act. I want to get your comments on something I've seen you comment a few times about, and that's a False Claims Act
