Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:34

What do you recommend this week? #RecsFeb5to11

Hey, everyone just thought it could be kind of cool to share things that we've been enjoying this week, things that you would recommend to other people on here on the app. Anything from ideas to books to articles to movies to YouTube videos to song, anything, an artwork, whatever it is that you've been enjoying that you think others could find interesting, others could enjoy as well. I'd love to hear what everyone's been into and recommends this week

Events, movies, books, ideas… what have you been enjoying, what should we tap into? 🔓⭐️

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:57

Joseph Campbell - The Power of Myth

Something I started watching this week but I haven't finished is this six part series, like an interview with Joseph Campbell, who wrote the hero's journey, which is like, I think most of us are familiar with it, kind of the shape of a story that follows a hero and what that looks like. But I've been thinking a lot about myths and stories that we carry in our history, that everybody carries in their history, religious stories, but also legends and mythologies
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:05

3D Country - Geese

This is an album that I've had on repeat for weeks now. It's, I don't know how I got so addicted to it, but if you're into rock and roll, this pulls from influences from, like, Led Zeppelin, but also feels kind of like the strokes at some point and really wacky, goofy at times. Really fun record. It gets loud. It gets groovy. It gets soulful. I really have been enjoying this
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:39

Telling people you love them when you feel it!

Tell somebody that you love them, that you enjoy being with them, that you care about them and you're heart will grow and their hearts will grow and there's a lot of horrible stuff happening in the world and I think we all need to receive and give love a bit more freely
Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:26

And honestly, when it first came out, we had both said to each other we really wanted to watch it. It now has aired four seasons, and I find out that the fourth season was its last. It was canceled. So I'm hoping there was some sort of a resolution there. But I'm really enjoying the show right now. We're about to get to the finale of season one, and that is good girls
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:30


Hey, Taylor, thanks for responding. I'm glad that you recommended this because it's been kind of on my radar, but I see it on Netflix. I'm like, I don't know if this would be my vibe, but the tone that you're describing seems like it would be really entertaining, really fun, and we accept a little bit of bad writing if ultimately you're having fun. And I love to have fun. So, yeah, I'm going to check it out
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 1:18
And this television series takes place in the south of France about two decades after the events of the maltese falcon, and it's a beautiful looking show. Beautifully shot, amazing crackling dialogue and banter. Clive Owen really does a great job not only invoking shades of Bogart's performance, but bringing his own unique energy and style to it. And so far, I'm really loving it. It's four episodes in. I'm not quite sure how many episodes
