Robespierre Dornagon · 2:19

The Road To Paris 2024 ✨How do you manifest your dreams?

But as a creative, I've learned what it really means to take your thoughts, write them down and extrapolate data from the world to help you figure out how to turn that thought, that idea, that dream into a reality. So for any listeners out there, I'd love for you to share. How does manifestation integrate into your life? How have you used it in your own personal day to day to help you achieve the things that you want in your life?

#paris #vlog #dreams #moving #EU

Travis W
@twalls2023 · 0:37
I in order to manifest your dreams and your growth, you have to write it down. But not only write it down, you have to visualize it. You have to take it a step further. You have to put certain pieces into play so you can achieve said dream. It does no good only writing it down. You have to take small steps toward it. So, yeah
Susanna Hutcheson
@SensibleEnsign · 4:10

Sometimes we can manifest things and other times it’s not in the cards.

That's been known to happen. So there are all kinds of ways that you can get to Paris, but you've got to make it real. So if I were you, I would give you this advice. Keep a book. You might call it a scrapbook if you want to, I don't know, notebook of some kind
Jayne Carson
@wsjayne · 1:14
Just persevering, persevering. But I like your Paris manifesting. So thank you. You and that's my idea of manifesting. I've been having a hard time with it lately because I'm with you. Like, I know I don't belong in this my area that I'm in, I'm in New England. I belong somewhere else because I'm having a hard time manifesting. But thank you for that
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:39

#imagination #manifest

If if singing helps, let it be. Whatever you need to do to hold the image in your mind's eye and the sensation of the wish fulfilled in your heart, you'll be there before you know it
Jayne Carson
@wsjayne · 0:18


Agree. But also, it is about meditating on it, visualizing it. But also, you have to put in that action that you're saying and doing well. I mean, you're saying it, you're writing it. Now you got to go do it when you respect it. So
Robespierre Dornagon · 4:44

#manifesting #paris #TheRoadToParis

I totally agree. It's about just being able to really articulate these things, right? And how do we get really good at articulating something? It's thinking it, it's breathing it, it's writing, it, it's putting the steps you need to do into action to be able to then talk to about it with people, to be able to express it to others, to be able to express it to yourself, to be able to know if it even feels right for yourself
Jayne Carson
@wsjayne · 1:13
You well, the road to Paris, 2024. You're on your way. Yes. You're doing everything right. You want to move, move. That's what hugs you. That's what's calling you. It will all work out when you get there. Manifesting, I believe. Manifesting, yes. Putting it out there, writing, taking the actions. And you know what I think, as it was put to us? It's when you least expect it, that's manifesting
