River Hunter Wiley
@riverhunter87 · 4:51

Democratic Fiasco Continues

Well, you can google it. I have nothing to hide. But what she doesn't know is that I came out as non binary and trans last year, so I had a name change. So my voting record is not complete online. So she's trying to say, like, I didn't vote here. I'm not really a Democrat. I didn't actually live in the county

#democrats #ohio

Barbara Davis
@BDavis169 · 2:32
And as a former cop who did nothing but sue other cops for sexual harassment while she was on the job and they did nasty things to her, you would think that she would learn, but she is just proving ACAB all over again. She hasn't been a cop in 30 years and she's acting like this all because the vice chair of the executive committee, his uncle was the sheriff and she worshipped the ground that he walked on whenever he would talk crap about her behind her back
River Hunter Wiley
@riverhunter87 · 4:33
And I have almost no family left for the most part, so I don't have to worry about that. And what I was trying to say was she is trying to call me a liar. And all of these things saying that I don't vote and I'm not a Democrat and like, my records don't reflect the things that I'm saying and I'm like, you don't know what you're talking about
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Barbara Davis
@BDavis169 · 2:42


But I will make sure that he is exposed for the creep that he is. And if he doesn't like it, go back to California and deal with your legal problems, dude, because I'm not letting this happen here. I am not letting these backward thinking conservative Democrats who want to deal with a middle class that doesn't exist in this county anymore. You're either rich or you're the working poor. That's it


This is somewhat of a tangent and yet connected. I know that some of this is fuzzy. However, doxing is when someone finds your personal documents and information online and then shares it in a public way. And I'm going to add in there, weaponizes it as someone who's been a victim of that. Like, I don't care how you what shape, form, what whatever you want to put this in with language, it's f****** wrong
River Hunter Wiley
@riverhunter87 · 1:39


Hi, Christina. Yeah, I've had to just step away from that whole situation from yesterday, and I just ignored it the rest of the day. Today I'm just ignoring it again because yeah, it's just frustrating. And it doesn't matter, like you said, it doesn't matter what the consequences are or the reason behind it. I mean, but you're right, it is doxxing


Okay, so random thought. I've seen a few headlines recently along these lines. Could it have been somebody else that was I don't know. The various headlines I've seen are like people pulling into a driveway to turn around because they have gotten lost or somebody walking up to a door thinking it was a different address and they were coming to pick up some family members or whatever. And in both cases, both people got shot
