Raisa Batista
@risa_sonrisaxo · 2:04


It's. Good morning and welcome to my first ever swell post. My name is Risa Sanrisa, and this is Rice. The radio. The time is 07:56 a.m. Eastern, and I believe today is Tuesday. Ah, I can go on with the weather, but are you really here for that? I'm just going to give my listeners a very well welcome, a very big thank you, and also a little insight as to how I intent on using this platform. My name is Raisa
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:29

#welcome #community #confessions

Hey, race. Looking forward to hearing some of your confessionals and some of your freestyles. It sounds like you're definitely made for this app and this style of kind of entertainment and kind of hosting, so I'd be so stoked to just kind of follow along and check out what it is that you want to share. And, yeah, I'm sure you're going to do really well, so I'll be watching, and I'm sure other people will be, too
