Belle 🍕
@ReySkywalker · 1:07

What’s your favorite star wars movie?

Hello. I'm curious to hear what your favorite Star wars movie is. I actually have a couple that are my favorite. So if you have a couple too, that's okay. I think that my favorite is probably a new hope because it's kind of the classic Star wars movie and if you are just going to watch one of them, that's the one that's the most well contained story so you wouldn't need to watch any others

#movie #starwars

Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:01
I would have to agree with you. I think that a new hope is probably my favorite alongside the Empire strikes back. I agree that new hope is, I think, a more contained film. It's a singular story, right start end type thing. But I really love, I think, how ambitious the Empire strikes back feels as just a project and a continuation of the story. Honestly, like to this day it really does blow my mind how perfect that movie is
Belle 🍕
@ReySkywalker · 1:41


I think the duel in Cloud City between Luke and Vader is just fantastic. It was just beautifully filmed, and Cloud City just looks so cool. I also love all the training stuff with Yoda on Dekaba. That's the movie where we first hear the Imperial March and the opening battle on Hearth was just epic
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Mitchell McKay
@ThePhantom · 0:57
Hello. Actually, I was familiar with the Star wars movies, but as a kid, I was most familiar with them through the Lego video games, so I wasn't very familiar with the original Hulk trilogy, except for some of Return of the Jedi. I officially watched the original Star wars movies over things giving break last year. Actually, my dad asked me how there was, and I went, clearly. I was like, clearly I've been living under a rock
Belle 🍕
@ReySkywalker · 0:24


Hello, Mitchell's mcKay. I also really love Return of the Jedi because of the whole ending fight between Darth Vader and Luke and Anakin's redemption and the Ewoks. I love the Ewoks, and I think that the space battle over the Death Star is probably one of the best in the series. I think it's a fantastic conclusion
