mohamed reeyasdeen
@Reeyas · 3:45

Henrik Ibsen | The majority is never right...

A voice man once told majority equals strength. Hey guys, welcome back to another in this world we gonna talk about the majority is never right. I actually oppose this quote because you cannot like frame anyone with a stereotypical quote or like you cannot generalize any of the people or any of the community in a same way. Like you know the majority is never right. It's absolutely a false statement

#sdp24May1 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @arish

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:03
And then there's so many major events in the world even going on this day, right, even going on today and have been going on for quite some time now, where the majority, weirdly enough, is the, you know, the other people who are marginalized, yet their voices are being repressed, and the voices of the ones in power are being heard and are basically being portrayed to the entire world, are being transmitted, rather from one place to the other
mohamed reeyasdeen
@Reeyas · 1:01
Yeah, what he said was 100% true. Because when someone says I have been, I'm, I'm facing troubleshoot. We need to listen them. Yet the whole world is like repressing someone when they say we are being, you know, discriminated or whatever. So first of all, as you said, we must listen, whoever it is, regardless the stereotypes. We need to listen to them and we need to understand what is their perspective and how they are like facing the trouble