Raquel Reyes-Aguilar
@RAQsICT · 4:31

RAQs is Back!

I think my goal is going to be to be a content creator and not necessarily be viral or anything like that, but to create content that will help others. So I hope you enjoyed me blabbing on for a little bit. This is perfect. Swallow is so perfect that it only gives you five minutes to talk

Just coming back to so what i do best abs talk your head off! #thejourney #blockschedule #business #purpose

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:43
Hey, welcome back. And yes, I feel you. That's why I love Swell as well. It's the ability to have these conversations and that they can happen quite organically is so lovely. And I've actually been hearing a lot of voices not necessarily delving into these topics, but certainly mentioning them and mentioning things like adjacent to like time blocking and and prioritizing I don't know, time management and and and not necessarily working in nine to five
